ddds5dt-b4fb3349-3606-4f55-8a59-ef8eebc3Draconem Caeli

You’ve arrived at the crossroads to the Caeli world. There is a constant rush to get into one of the nests, with five nests to call home and even more areas to explore. All Caeli have a place in Dravisdor and once you've found a nest to call home, your journey will begin.

Caeli are a CLOSED SPECIES group, which consists of a close-knit community aimed at creating ART, ROLE PLAYING, and PLOT building with the species. Our activities are mostly kept on Discord, Weebly, and DeviantArt as a backup. Please follow the links above to join in and get more information.

Join our newest minigame - The Wheel of Loyalty

You do not need a caeli to join and you have the daily chance to win a your own caeli !!!
Prizes can be MYO caeli slots, a chest full of coins, and even customs. Some of the prizes are never-before seen, such as the legendary berry. The price of entry is 1 caeli coin, where you can easily generate many coins from completing gift-art.
dc40pw4-b749c66b-2866-4d06-b593-ae9248e7 The LINK TO JOIN below, where prizes are collected on our discord channel.  dc40pw4-b749c66b-2866-4d06-b593-ae9248e7
The display version of the wheel can be found on our website:
Wheel of Loyalty

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