W o r m v e r s e


ddehqwo-4063e1bd-a3bd-4113-acb5-4cc69165 Welcome to the Wormverse for Worm Off the String ddehqwi-2d83071f-e344-4a90-8861-2a963058

Where do these strange alien creatures come from?
What does going off the string mean?
You can find all that here!

These are only our personal headcanons for worms on a string! If you'd like to follow our headcanon world, you're more than welcome to join and link your worm! The more, the merrier~





Become an escapee of the Motherworm...


wallpaper by Solbey / main code / divider / 3 worms / tiny worms / stamp / cursed doll / mini divider / pagedoll / edited together and coded by PrinceDipper tenor.gif