Justice and honor reign.

slasher / modern

rp welcome

accepting via dms!


wolf at the door

succession studios

Storm City is a SLASHER / HORROR themed universe set primarily in 2010; Criminals and serial killers run rampant above the law, owning the city for themselves as corrupt cops and paid-off government authorities stand by and let it happen for a fat paycheck. Innocents are always at risk, and anyone outside of the law has close to free reign. A universe where technology is in a crucial learning phase - flip phones and chunky laptops are common and most people still use corded house phones.

This universe will have some strong gore, blood, violence, trauma and mentions of mental illness, so please check the "WARNINGS" tab for more information on what to expect here!





SLASHER STORM CITY KING cruel unpredictable

FEAR is one of the famous Storm City slashers. A brutal killer with a penchant for games and fear. Storm City is plagued by violent crime, but very few become "famous". FEAR and his crew are one of the few criminals who have made a serious impact, their masks becoming a mark of renown in the troubled city.

Danny Johnson

SLASHER STORM CITY KING cunning secretive

Danny Johnson, better known as The Camp Killer was once one of Camp Horizon Valley Creek's beloved counselors before the 1993 massacre. To this day, the law are still searching for Danny Johnson - the only remaining person who's body was never found on the bloodied Campsite.

The Hunter

SLASHER HUNTER Emotionless Solitary

Kir Volkov, better known as The Red-Eyed Wolf is a solitary hunter that resides in the woods that line the edge of Storm City's borders. A killer with no real bloodlust, but he is fiercly protective of his land - he ensures noone who tresspasses ever leaves

Tobias Boucher

SLASHER CULT KILLER intelligent deceptive

Tobias Boucher, better known as The Cult Killer is famous for the bloody cult killings that shook Storm City for years after the incident. It is stated that Tobias, only a child at the time, killed over 36 people after being indoctrinated into a vile, murderous cult on which he took revenge.


A broken city - tainted inside and out.

Once a bustling city famous for it's dreary weather and logging export, Storm City, Cium (pronounced Kai-um) was shaken to it's core when a sadistic killer took the lives of 37 students in the 1993 Horizon Valley Creek Camp murders. This was a turning point for the quiet city, panic and unease sending the masses into hysteria - their children taken from them with no suspect or leads, the police were publicly degraded by the residents that demanded closure. Riots broke out, and despite warnings, many parents, families and friends set out to find leads themselves, believing the police to be incompetent.

This paved the way for the Fool's Cross riots only two years later - a violent uprising against the construction of a luxury gated district reserved for the wealthiest citizens of Storm City , an effort that would deforest much of Timber Lake's natural forestation in the process. This riot took the lives of 33 people, most of which were law-enforcement, investigators and riot police that were unable to fight back against the brute force of the uprising, the ones that survived were forced out of Fools Cross, completely destroying the already shaky reputation of the law enforcement in Storm City .

Those years were crucial to Storm City 's descent into the bloody city it is today.

Fool's Cross has been abandoned by the government, and all policing efforts have been withdrawn from the framework district entirely - dominated by the Criminal Kings, Fool's Cross has become an ungovernable district that is exempt of law. Killers walk freely, bloodying the streets in broad daylight without retaliation while innocents are left to their mercy. Though policing efforts were focused elsewhere, the entire city slowly fell to corruption from the inside - government officials, cops and high-ranking socialists eventually falling in with the Criminal Kings and trading valuable information, security bypasses and silence for fatter pockets. Today, the entirety of the city is under the Criminal King's hands, whether it knows it or not.


1994 to 1996 is the timeline of the Camp Horizon Massacre and the Fools Cross Riot. This is the moment Storm City truly became lawless. The Law were unable to protect it's citizens, and were forced to back down against a violent criminal riot. This completely shattered authority within the city - killer's from all over Cium moved to Storm City to be closer to their inspirations, and to be in a city where the law is weakened. This gave way to the Killer owned Storm City as we know it.

1994 is mostly a lore-based timeline with RP / Interactions in this timeline being mostly saved for Danny and anyone who wishes to interact with his younger self.



2010 is the primary timeline that Storm City is based in. Fear's crew are kings of Storm City and are in close ties with the other Kingpin Killer crews - creating a network of criminals and killers that are almost entirely above the law. Authority is corrupt save for a few with genuine hearts that are completely unaware of the corruption around them. Innocents are unsafe even in their homes while killers roam the city safely, carrying out their crimes without the fear of capture. Many horror fans and hybristophiliac's have created popular merchandise based on the Storm City Killers, their masks and names worn on shirts and phone charms all over the city.


Contains blood & gore in visual and written depictions. Gore may be extreme, please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Contains violence in visual and written depictions. Violence may be extreme,please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Semi-explicit sexuality / explicit sexuality in visual and written depictions. Depictions may be extreme, please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.

Subjects such as trauma may be present in visual and written depictions. Please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects.
Subjects such as mental illness may be present in visual and written depictions. Please be cautious if you are sensitive to these subjects..


Welcome to Storm City!

All human characters are welcome as long as they fit the rules and confines of the world and lore! If you wish to join, just send backseat a dm via TH or Discord or just send a char join request!


  • > Character MUST be 100% human! (or the character you wish to join must have a human AU).
  • > Characters mustn't be too modern! no super modern technology or anything that you wouldn't see in 2010.
  • > You must be okay with the stuff in the Warnings tab!
  • > That's it! Have fun!

As stated above, you can join this universe with any human character, as long as you're okay with the stuff in the warnings tab! just shoot me a dm if you're unsure!

There is absolutely no limit to how many OCS you can submit! there's not many rules, and it's just a fun universe, nothing super serious! I just want this to be a little community to love slashers/horror and have fun!





29 he/him transmasc simp founder

BACKSEAT { backseat / backseatxo } is the admin and founder for Storm City. Any questions you have about joining the world you can send a DM to their personal account or on discord!