On the icy planet of Dorizus, a horrible secret lies within the expansive pine-wood forests. One might have thought that a planet so advanced might be void of such a wretched place; after all, the technological advancements they have made are astounding. Despite their position far from the sun, the denizens of Dorizus have made do. Tall towers that cast artificial light, domes meant to capture heat. Thermal vents leeching warmth from the very mantle itself. Entire cities contained in one building, or villages located in the ice. For those that choose to stay on the outside, there are many clothing options to stay warm. What might be an expensive luxury on any other planet is simply common wear for those who may wish to traverse the snow. Yes indeed the denizens of Dorizus-- both native and not-- have done well on their planet.

And yet, The Facility exists.

The Facility is a large building located in one of the "sunspots" of Dorizus-- locations where heat tends to gather and allow for more lush growth. The large pine forest in this particular sunspot is unmanageably large and impossible to traverse for many, filled with dangerous beasts that can rip you to shreds in an instant. Thus, it the perfect place for The Facility. 

What The Facility does is simple-- capture odd creatures and experiment on them to find out what makes them so special. This includes creatures no one has ever seen before, and regular people who have powers they shouldn't have. Magic is not uncommon on Dorizus, but it has its limits. Anyone who doesn't fit the standard and openly uses their "illegal" powers may be captured by The Facility and experimented on, stolen from their everyday life. Many who are taken are never seen again, and those who do manage to escape bare the scars of their time in The Facility. Once free, many may end up going crazy from stress. And this doesn't include the scientists who go mad with power after getting the taste of what it feels like to have complete control over other living beings. If you ever find yourself within the concrete walls of The Facility, you better hope that you're getting paid to be there.

It is worth noting that there are three other planets in which Dorizus shares its solar system with. There is Earth, the planet we all know and love, warm and inviting and packed to the brim with anthropomorphic creatures. Most of your "average" anthro species (wolf/cat/bird/what have you) originate from Earth, and have migrated to Dorizus for various reasons. Lushjav is a planet closer to the sun than Earth, and is inhabited by anthropomorphic bugs and other invertebrates that can survive its heat. Only a few travel over to Earth and even less to Dorizus, as the planet is largely disconnected from the rest of the solar system by choice. Finally, there is an unnamed planet of robots, housed further away from the sun than Dorizus, who have no need for light or warmth. Their main purpose is to mine and harvest the immense energy that lies within the planet, but they have also seemed to form their own civilization.