grace / inelegance

image0.pnggrace: basically heaven! grace is split up into two parts: the godly faction , and the mortal faction. pretty self explanatory (gods stay in the godly faction, mortals go to the mortal faction when they die.) mortals that go to grace are called ‘disciples.’ grace is run by a corrupt god named purity. 

inelegance: basically hell! inelegance is the polar opposite of grace, a chaotic and fairly unorganized dimension where mortals go for punishment. mortals that go here are called ‘sinners’. inelegance is run by purity’s sister, impurity. 

grace has angels: canine-like creatures with feathery wings and many eyes. they tended to look quite scary originally, but over time they made themselves look friendlier and more mortal-like. angels work as servants for the gods , being spawned for that very purpose. angels were never mortals , but instead were created in grace! angels usually either look somewhat like their assigned god, or have relative personas.

inelegance has demons: feline-like creatures with horns , forked tails (usually) , small wings , goat-like legs , etc. demons are also known to have the ability to compel mortals to do their bidding, wanting to draw them in to become sinners. demons aren’t really assigned anybody to work for, but instead are given tasks to do. some torture sinners, some get to go up to earth in disguise to manipulate mortals to become sinners, etc. image0.png