
Welcome to Faennies Shop!

A small fantasy species group created by ChainOfRain!
Here you can find small lovely creatures that will shower you with affection, be sure to properly take care of them~

Anyone is welcome to join~
You do not need a Faenny to join the group or discord server!

hope you enjoy your stay!

Faennies are a closed species. I do not own the individual traits of the species, but its these certain traits combined that make up the species. Since they are a closed species, please do not make one of your own without permission from me! Thank you!


• 26/01/2022 •

Finally the world here on TH has a nice page (⁀ᗢ⁀) It still is a work in progress, but it's something~
The group is still kind of inactive but hopefully I manage to start some things again.
( also it's my first time trying out CSS, so maybe there are some mistakes around :'> )


ChainOfRain?7 ChainOfRain • Founder
(RainDrops97 is my side account)