Main Cast

Seraph - wood elf, prince, main protagonist, talented magician, insecure about his magic ability (he can't heal at all, which sucks cause his family is known for their healing magic), great archer

Zion - wood elf, prince,  Seraph's twin brother, kinda a jerk to people who aren't his bro, healer, good at most hand to hand combat skillls, good with knives and swords, glare could kill a man, well muscled but not buff

Felras – dark elf rouge, living embodiment of steal everything your gay little hands can carry, good actor, has major crush on Seraphin, has some sick tattoos

Vaaris - elven high prince, prince of very important elf nation,  has some cool earrings, Zion's fiancé (they have an arranged marriage but once they meet they end up falling in love so it's all good), is really nice, loves Zion, thinks of Seraph as a brother, is going to be a really good king one day, fairly talented swordsman, despite being a nearly perfect person has very low self-esteem, never thinks anything he does is good enough

Riley – human fighter, tall, got a great body, could kill you and you would probably thank her, loves her wife Tanja 

Cassiopeia –  small halfling bard, cute, loves music, gives good relationship advice, can be veyr blunt


Supporting Cast

Iyas/Diamond - Elf - eveyoen calls him Diamond because he is always wearing them - Vaaris's best friend, has a wife, is really nice, a knight, 

Vaaris's siblings - there are so many of them and they only exist to advance the plot or when it's convenient for me

Devin - Half Elf,Freckles, Green eyes, Red (curly?) hair, flirty, popular with just about anyone,  seems like he would be a jerk but is actually quite nice 

Xei - Dark elf, king of some kingdom ( their motif is stars), Felras's friend, a soft boy - pure

Zarzoo - evil horrible guy, crazy powerful sorcerer , some kind of elf? not sure what kind , bad 

Oichu - just a good name dude

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