

C-0-3 (happenings of C3) is the name given to a world where the main sapient race died out leaving behind barren continents and AI's, initially lead and manufactured by Mattirn after their predecessor's household, public, and sentimental items, before many split off to colonize new places and establish their own countries. This world revolves around the capital, C3, which exists in an almost entirely canyon and plains biome. The inhabitants here are painted shades of brown, tan, orange, blue, and or teal.

No machine has a sex or gender, nor can they grasp the concept. They have an equivalent of the LGBT community, but it consists only of aromantics. Everyone is born with only the pronouns "it/it's", as they age, depending on what trends they choose to follow, they may change their pronouns. 

There is a resistance against Mattirn, which she is aware of but ultimately does nothing about. This rebellion was centered around robot-type specific jobs becoming widely hated, and lead to the invention of balloon travel and transport nation wide. Upon seeing her not care, higher members of said rebellion seek her annihilation.

Reproduction is carried out by the killing and disassembling of prisoners to create a child. There are government mandated guidelines to what can be made.
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C3 has a very strict naming and social hierarchy code:
X variables are used for non vowels Y variables are used for vowels. X variables symbolize aggression, and Y variables symbolize reasonability, the length of the name increases how sapient the machine is, example:

Nyy, XYY, is mentally equal to a crow with vocal cords and docile. Jerrion XYXXYYX is hotheaded but reasonable and more significantly more sapient than the average human.

There are also "species" named after their origin object. Nyy XYY may resemble a pillow, and might be an XYY Comforter. Jerrion may resemble a radio, and might be an XYXXYYX Blaster.
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C3 has a not so strict hierarchy regarding eyes. Typically, individuals with 3 eyes are low on the social pyramid, those with two are middle class, and those with one are upper class. Upperclassmen may try reinstall eyes in order to fit in with lowerclassmen, and those moving up the chain will have their eyes removed at social checkpoints.