
Ten years ago, on the evening of the New Moon, a ball was held to celebrate another century of peace between the Court of Rosebriar, and the Court of Thornhelm. Fae of every class and creed were invited to attend, including children, and ancient Fae. That same evening, Seelie and Unseelie alike were slain without warning, and the fabric between the fae and mortal realms was torn to shreds. Ever since that fateful night, the two worlds have lived closer than ever - magic grows rampant where it was usually unseen, mortals wind up trapped between fae walls, lost to time and to their homes.

Neither realm knows the truth about the events of the night now remembered as the Blood Moon ball. Those who were there only remember screams, fae falling from all side, and the moon turning into a deep scarlet shade. The Rosebriar and Thornhelm courts blame each other for the massacre, while rogue fae take over the mortal realm, landing their powers to witches.

Yet, another New Moon ball is to be held soon – the first since the tragedy. What Queen Eden and Queen Rosalba have in mind is unknown, but preparations keep both courts busy.

The Rosebriar Court

The Rosebriar Court


Also known as the Seelie court, Rosebriar thrives in a perpetually sunlit realm, with ever-sprawling gardens of colorful flowers. Legend says their rose gardens are the most beautiful of any realm – and so are their castles, built in shining alabaster and translucent marble. Their people are adorned with shining wings and colorful flowers – they smell or summer and love, glitter and small flowers follow them wherever they go. The Roseborne Queen, Rosalba, is no gentle soul: she rules her people with an iron fist and sees to it that her people are safe through her uncompromising approach to politics. While the barrier between the realms stretches thin, the Rosebriar court is heavily guarded, by knights and powerful dragons alike.


  • The Roseborne Court values order, family, honor, beauty, tradition, and love. The Rose people holds grudges as fiercely as they hold alliances and hold themselves up to extremely high standards. They are witty creatures, shrewd in business and true to their traditions – seeking beauty in all forms of art being among them.
  • Roseborne fae are commonly seen sporting sparkling wings (either feathered or bug-like, most often resembling species that are active during the day/spring/summer) as well rich vegetation. They fit in their surroundings, often colored in bright or pastel colors. The rose people most often have an ethereal, delicate look to them. They are highly fashionable and are rarely seen without luxurious draperies.
  • They worship the Sun first and foremost, but value the Moon as essential as well, as much as her ever-changing phases do not reflect the Court’s core values.
  • Rank ideas: Knight, priests (sun and moon), High priests (perhaps two for the sun, one for the moon?) for the Council, nobles (feel free to create your own house!), artists, landscapers, handmaidens, feel free to suggest anything!

Noteable Locations

Castle Cardea Royal Residence

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Location Place Type

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The Thornhelm Court

The Thornhelm Court


The Thornhelm Court, also known as the Unseelie, resides in a perpetually dark night, and is closely in tune with nature. Buildings are carved into ancient trees and mountain sides alike, with pathways and homes lit by glowing mushrooms and vegetation. As a Court, the people of Thornhelm are looked up to for their intense magical prowess. Many powerful Fae have been of Unseelie origin. Queen Eden Rose-Bane is a ruthless, traditionalist and adheres to rules and protocol above all else. Devout and antagonistic towards those who oppose her views and the ideals she has for Unseelies. She is, however, generous to a fault, and devoted to her work and the improvement of Thornhelm.


  • This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci.
  • Nulla in sapien dignissim, maximus massa eu, suscipit turpis. Aenean.
  • Aenean interdum felis eu justo viverra ultrices. Praesent euismod commodo.
  • Proin id eros vitae turpis porta pulvinar in vel augue.
  • Etiam placerat nibh dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean non eros.
  • Ut sed rhoncus lectus. Vivamus tempor tellus non lorem cursus.

Noteable Locations

Location Place Type

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Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

The End

The End


What's going on with The End? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam maximus diam interdum finibus ultricies. Aenean quis urna varius nibh mattis accumsan a at eros. Nam et odio gravida, suscipit massa vestibulum, suscipit lacus. Cras posuere dolor ac massa pretium gravida. Aenean quis urna varius nibh mattis accumsan a at eros. Nam et odio gravida, suscipit massa vestibulum, suscipit lacus. Cras posuere dolor ac massa pretium gravida.


  • This box scrolls. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam orci.
  • Nulla in sapien dignissim, maximus massa eu, suscipit turpis. Aenean.
  • Aenean interdum felis eu justo viverra ultrices. Praesent euismod commodo.
  • Proin id eros vitae turpis porta pulvinar in vel augue.
  • Etiam placerat nibh dui. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean non eros.
  • Ut sed rhoncus lectus. Vivamus tempor tellus non lorem cursus.

Noteable Locations

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

Location Place Type

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce vehicula magna non eros blandit, placerat bibendum felis porttitor. Cras fringilla eros libero, id ullamcorper nisi tincidunt consequat.

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