The story mainly revolves around a small town called Ire, the time period in which it is set resembles the 70s-80s, although there is more leeway with fashion and trends in this world, although technology was at about the same level.


Back when humanity first began, angels did watch over them, but did not show the hand of mercy as one would expect, a vain and rule obsessed race, led by only the purest of them, who dictated how one should and should not act, and what was right and wrong. They pushed their rules on the meagre startings of humanity, punishing those they believed “broke” their rules. Curses that maimed flesh and twisted minds, curses that pushed those broken by their hand to live in their own way, and forge their own way forward. 

Of course infighting broke out among the proud race, condemning their own people for exploring ideas that were only born of the minds of humans, their culture and ways fascinating to a race obsessed with purity, cleanliness, uniformity. Those who were banished became demons, the angels believing they could curse their own kind found they were wrong, when they found out their fallen brethren walked among the humans, and among the new races of creatures they had created by their own hand, the humans they had believed they defiled the bodies of. The angels tried their best to subdue their brethren that broke rules, maiming them by more physical means, and hoping for them to stay powerless, along with the humans they governed. 

The angels found that the demons they themselves created were on the same level of power as them and were adept at creating their very own curses. Although the angels curses were unable to touch flesh of their brethren, the tendrils of madness could take hold of their minds. The demons were an unpredictable race, who passed out curses on a whim, wether for their own entertainment or at the pleading hands of humans and cursed creatures alike. From the hands of demons witches were born, whom unlike other humans were adept in creating curses of their own and curing weaker curses. 

The demons, after creating witches, refused to curse any more humans in such a way, believing it to have been a mistake but not revoking the powers from the witches they did create. Said witches continued the practice of passing on the curse of witchery to their offspring, and continuing the practice. 

Humanity continued onwards, hearing less and less from the angels and demons, most angels having bickered and warred over centuries, driving their once proud civilization to ruin, and many of them being cast out as demons, what few remain nowadays rarely interact with humans at all, and try to keep a grasp on what little sanity they may possess. 

Whilst demons still remained, most faded into obscurity and are ill heard of. 


A pure and noble race, most are incomprehensible beings, unfathomable to the human mind, they do not take human form, seeing humans as unclean and unfit to grace their image, it's unknown what a pure angel truly looks like, their history mostly lost to time and warring between their race over centuries, scraps of tapestries, and shards of weapons remain in some derelict far reaches of earth, their meanings long lost. 


Now bearing little resemblance to their former brothers, demons can come in any shape or sizes, although it has been known for demons to greatly enjoy mingling with humans, and taking the form of humans, other demons may closer resemble their former shapes, it's unknown how closely, but many believe a demon possessing feathers, or halos, may be closer to what they used to be. Demons are shape shifting creatures that take on any appearance they might find desirable or interesting, demons take great joy in partaking in new cultures or practices they hadn't heard of. Angels believed their fallen brethren to be stricken with madness, although what seemed like madness to such a race, was simply their minds being bent to think in a more human way, as such most demons are indistinguishable from most people, but retain a small glimmer of their former mischievous ways. 


Cursed humans come in innumerable shapes and sizes, their humanity now long lost, and their species ranking in thousands, most humans consider them to be “cryptids'' or other such folklore, they proliferated over the centuries, many species coming together to build their own societies, the curses of angels imbuing their twisted bodies with weak magical powers, like that of witches, but at a far lower ranking level. Cryptid society tends to work highly off of illusions and making sure they stay hidden from modern day humans. Many have intelligence on the same level as humans, and their society bears similarities in many ways, though of course there is creatures whose minds have been totally lost to the madness of the cruel curses placed upon them, now being nothing more than beasts, often caught on cheap cameras and sold as the latest cryptid or alien sighting. 


Witches were created thousands of years ago, at the beginning of demons being created, when they were still testing their powers they gave a small portion of their power to a few humans, gifting them with a high magical ability, and sense for the magical properties of the world around them, the demons later came to regret their decision of bestowing the powers upon humans, ceasing to grant the ability any longer. Though witches found a way to pass their curses on, creating new generations of witches, and as such the curse of witchery has been passed on through generations, witches being the only ones who hold any memory or tales of years long passed, though witch code dictates that such tales are not to be shared beyond their own kind.