🪐Basic info🪐

This is a Open Species!

Any Gender(Intersex and hermaphrodites exist as well)


 Born in egg or alive 

Reproduce via "Soul combining" which they each take a piece of their soul and put it together. After a few days one of the 2 gets pregnant and after a gestation period of 3 months a litter of 1-5 is born

Eat anything(can have a preference)

 🪐Needed Traits🪐

4+ Eyes(on face) 

Wings(Any Kind and size)

1+ Antennae (on head)

 Soul Light on belly(Soul Flame can be any color)

🪐 Opt/Changeable traits 🪐

Fairy wings on ankles(Opt)

Any Ears (even more then one)

Light Body horror

Any Tails

Any Color combos

Any tongue/teeth

 Feral or Anthro 

 Any personality

🪐Banned Traits🪐

Extreme body horror

No Antennae

3 or less eyes

no wings

Human afterlites




Afterlites are a Species used for guiding souls of the dead to the afterlife. Each afterlifes following depends on the God they follow(Death/underworld gods from mythology). Each Afterlite has 1 specific trait based on who they follow. Afterlites normally lead people who their personality traits click with. For example Cold and quiet afterlite would go with bad people like serial killers and murderers.


Each afterlite follows 1 specific God from a mythology. Following that God gains them a special trait. Now not all lites follow a God. Some are floaters who work for all gods and hop between who needs the most help.

🪐Gods and Following traits🪐

Hades(Greek God of the Underworld): The ability to Summon bones and can communicate with the spirits

 Thanatos(Greek God of Death): The ability to appear on surface to collect souls and a skull mask

 Anubis(Egyptian God of Death): Gold accents in fur and heightend sense of hearing 

Pluto(Roman God of the Underworld): A floating crown and the ability to sense metals in the ground

🪐Amino can be found here hope to see you around! it's still a wip but feel free to join ^^🪐