>general species rules

  • If you're uncertain about any rules, feel free to ask a moderator. You can find the moderators on the species home page.
  • All designers + owners of Pocket Clowns will be listed and transferred to new owners through the Masterlist.
  • We must be notified of any swap/trade/gift/selling/voiding of any Pocket Clown.
  • Failure to follow species rules may lead to being blacklisted.
  • Keep public spaces for the species safe for work. There may be NSFW cnannels in the discord, so keep the NSFW there or properly tagged on the social platforms you use.

>co ownership rules

Co-ownership of Pocket Clowns is permitted, but please keep these rules in mind when considering it!

  • Let moderators know if a clown is being co-owned so we can make note of it.
  • We will not, as moderators, involve ourselves with personal matters if something happens between you and the person you are co-owning with.
  • No more than two people can co-own a single Pocket Clown at the same time
  • If you wish to redesign/sell a co-owned Pocket Clown both parties must agree to the redesign/selling, and proof must be given

>payment method rules

  • You may only claim ownership of a design or MYO slot AFTER it has been paid for.
  • Adopts must be paid for within 24 hours of a moderator confirming you have won them
  • The high quality PNG of your Pocket Clown  will be sent as soon as the designer can confirm you have paid them
  • Once an invoice is sent out you may not back out of the purchase. Please be 100% sure you can pay the invoice off before bidding/buying
  • Depending on the offence, failure to pay within the designated time may result in receiving a warning, ban, or even blacklisting from the species... please just pay in a timely manner!
  • Failure to pay for a design will cause the design to be returned up to bidding or sent to the next person in line
  • You may not re-offer on a design once you have failed to pay
  • If paying through a payment plan, the payment must be completed within one month
  • If paying through a payment plan, you must state as such within your buying message
  • Do not commission art of Pocket Clowns that haven't been officially purchased

>credit rules

Pocket clowns were created by howlcore 

  • Please credit and link to the designer/artist when reposting artworks to sites such as Toyhou.se 
  • Do not take credit for designs you have not made, no matter the form of purchase
  • If redesigning a bought design, you still must leave credit to the original designer somewhere on their page, even if the design is no longer in use

>designing, redesigning, and voiding rules

  • All Pocket Clown designs must be approved by staff before use, they must follow design rules.
  • You may draw inspiration from preexisting designs, but you may not copy designs from already existing characters that you do not own (anime, TV shows, games, pre-existing Pocket Clowns, YouTubers, other peoples' OCs, ect.)
  • Designs too heavily inspired by already existing characters will be denied, if a mod does not catch this but another party notifies the mod, there is the possibility you will be asked to redesign your Pocket Clown
  • Small changes (such as clothing or eye color) are okay to do without sending a notification to the moderator team
  • When making larger changes than that, please notify the moderation team
  • Please keep the original/older designs of a Pocket Clown somewhere that they can be found. This is for the sake of future trades, even if you aren't planning to trade or sell the character at the time.
  • Redesigns must keep about 60% of the original design intact.
  • You may void a Pocket Clown at any time, you just need to message howlcore to do so. If voiding a Pocket Clown, it is recommended you change any features that make them easily distinguished as a Pocket Clown. (such as removing the dear item, removing a couple specific traits, ect)
  • A common MYO ticket is $15. An uncommon MYO is $25. A rare MYO ticket is $40.

>reselling / retrading rules

Reselling and retrading is allowed, but check through these rules before doing so!

  • When reselling/trading a Pocket Clown or Pocket Clown MYO, please ask for an appraisal.
  • You MUST update the masterlist when trading or selling a Pocket Clown.
  • Gifted and Event items can not be resold.
  • Do not charge more for MYO slots than we would.
  • Appraisal goes as such. A Coelune has a base worth of the ticket price that matches their rarity. Added art can increase the worth of a Pocket Clown, personal or commissioned. We go by commission prices, so if you charge $15 for a bust, and you drew a bust of a Pocket Clown, that increases their value by $15.