
Abyss Galaxy Stary-Night-Sky-1026x320.jpg

The first of the most populated galaxies in the sector. This is home to the planet Ecronus, home of Prince Alastor and the hideaway home of Prince Vathek. Ecronus is a large moon orbiting an uninhabitable gas giant, it's most well known for always being sunset and the purple sky, and the red moon always visable. Cecury is the home of Olympus and The White City, where royals and gods of past and present live. Not just everyone has the privledge of living and entering the city, it is also the only puplicly known enterance to The Garden.

Ecronus Cecury

Palioxis Galaxy Stary-Night-Sky-1026x320.jpg

The most prosperous places to live in the sector, these planets are all wealthy and known for their god pressence. Daegon, the home world of the dragon ponies, is a fiery planet covered in volcanos and magma. It's hard for non-dragon ponies to thrive here, or breathe. Saophis is the old home world of the ancient Ar'Kian race, and filled with ruins outside city walls of the old technology. Xenon, an unforgiving and harsh ice planet is the home world of the valkren race, and the final line of Valkyries, ancient gods of the first age now all but extinct. Requiem is an old mining colony astroid terraformed into a paradise by the Ar'Kians, it is the leading tech capital of the universe and the best place to live under its kind ruler. It is also home to the last functioning Ar'Kian power armor suit and the final stallion blessed by the ancient ones.

Daegon Requiem Saophis Xenon

Zeta Galaxy Stary-Night-Sky-1026x320.jpg

A smaller galaxy, Zeta is mostly known for having some of the most primitive civilizations left in the sector. Equinous is an old world not yet touched by democracy or better medical practices, its ruler is old and stuck in his ways, banning things such as advanced healing medicine and birth control out of spite and a lack of understanding. Laterra is a lush jungle planet, home world of the fae, the last fauna in existence, and the ruins of the phoenix pony kingdom and the now extinct race. It's covered in trees that stretch to the edges of the atmosphere, holding entire cities inside them or build into the sides of them.

Equinous Laterra

The Garden c96bda7de410f6cb80b4414d5dba8cf0.jpg

The Garden, also known as God Home is the center for all deities, new and old where you take on your purest form despite any imperfections on the mortal plane. There are several pocket dimensions from the center of the garden, allowing everyone to work and keep the balance in their own seperate domains. The White Palace is the resting ground for all older gods and the ones that have passed on, it is open to all gods. The High Wizard Council is a group of chosen wizards from every school of magic, keeping regulations on the used of magic and making groundbreaking new spells. The Council of Creation is made up of the first gods who created the universe in the first age, they are all old gods and most are no longer walking the mortal plane and have fallen into legend. The Hall of Ways is the god of time's pocket dimension, holding every timeline and every posibility of life inside it, it is a very overwhelming place and off limits to all but Kronos himself.

Hall of Ways White Palace High Wizard Council Council of Creation

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