Veilsprings Valley

The Valley

A small and secluded town burrowed deep in the valley.

A mere two decades ago, Veilsprings Valley was little more than a log cabin. The area was discovered by a wealthy human couple seeking seclusion in their retirement. The two, despite having close ties to the royalty of the region, felt unfulfilled in life and sought to become closer to nature. As if by divine influence, soon after the couple settled, they were approached by a pair of young orphans. Uniquely, these children were of beastfolk descent, previous dwellers of the area. Here stood their fulfillment: the start of a family.

It is rumored that, due to the great kindness the couple displayed in their adoption of the siblings, nature elected to bless them further. For whatever reason, crops cultivated in Veilsprings are particularly fresh, their foliage unusually vibrant. Rarely does has the valley ever seen a poor harvest. Fish caught from the ponds and springs have scales that seem to glimmer, their meat rich and flavorful. And, despite the area being attractive to hunters, they never seem to run out of game. Veilsprings Valley is, without a doubt, more in touch with the natural world than any of the surrounding towns and cities.

For these reasons, despite its extremely small size, Veilsprings has recently been recognized as specifically valuable to the region. In the past 8 seasons, Veilsprings has been under development, in partnership with the initial founder's family, and it has finally developed to the point of occupany.



Even small settlements need leadership.

There are three representatives that make up Veilsprings Valley's government: The Vielsprings representative, the nature representative, and the royal representative.

The current Veilsprings representative is Sparrow. He is one of two remaining initial settlers, the other being his sister. At present, they are the only beastfolk citizens. This position is one chosen by election, but as the initial population was so small and primarily comprised of those specialized in other areas, Sparrow was unanimously elected to the position despite having no prior experience. What he lacks in specialization, he makes up for in passion.

The current nature representative is Aaerith. They are of elven descent, elected to their position due to divine intervention. She is more closely in tune to the natural world than anyone else, to the point that her appearance will occasionally shift with the changing seasons. Due to the incredibly close bond that the valley seems to share with nature, Aaerith's presense as a communal point between man and the greater beyond cannot be understated. Their job generally consists of making offerings to nature, hearing the wishes for good harvest from the townspeople, and instilling a sense of humility and gratefulness towards their surroundings.

The current royal representative is no other than the princess herself, Maja. In a unique turn of circumstances, Veilsprings was decided upon as the best location for the princess to come into her own and train to fulfill her royal duties in a more hands-on sense. Generally, a town's royal representative will consist of the odd noble or thrice removed heir, given a territory to oversee in stead of more heavily enforced royal prescense. It is a great honor for Veilsprings Valley, new as it may be, to host the princess.



"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.



"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.



"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.



"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.

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