• Example/Explained Traits

Trait Examples and Descriptions
PLEASE NOTE: Adding things like eyes, mouths, or wings ON THE BODY (for wings, that includes on the head) are not available yet. Key words: Yet.  TRAITS ARE STACKABLE!!!                 
TRAIT KEY: ✩ means the trait can be applied to the body area. ✪ means the trait can be applied to the hood/cape area)
Common Trait description
  • May have ears, cape or hood modifications, as long as they do not fall into the categories below. Such as whiskers or tags or extra infirmities on cape/hood. Examples: Tassels on cape, rings on cape, layers on hood or cape as long as these layers do not separate to act as 'wings'.
  • They can have many or no eyes and can be different colors. Eye shape can be altered (a sharp shaped eye vs circular eyes) with the limitation that it does not become an unusual eye (square shape, bizarre shapes). Unusual eyes counts if its nothing like a natural or animal eye just fyi. Eyes may not be on the body or fall under the below traits.
  • Mouths just as shown on the trait list. Can have multiple mouths just on head. May not be anywhere else on body but on head.
  • You may give your hoodmakka many arms, many tails, no tail, etc. Just don't wander into ancient hoodmakka trait territory. Can have hair, fur, any animal body features. 
    • Cape can look like anything, and can be any shape, size, and length. think of it being like bat or dragon wings (membrane), but you can also make the cape wings out of metal(mechanics, bio mechanics), fabric, textiles, paper, etc. Upper tier materials include feathered capes, scaled capes, stone and wood capes, plant capes, mixed material capes, etc. You can put holes in the cape. Same with tears. It is okay to add paws on cape and small fingers like that of a bat without it qualifying as an upper tier trait.
Uncommon traits description 
  • ✩Veined Eyes: can be any thickness, thing of it like the 'eye' travels across the head and or the body. Just for this trait the 'eye' can take up almost all of the head. Bonus for veined eyes, if you decide to add a pupil, it can 'travel' wherever the eye stretches. Take what you will with it! Veined eyes cannot travel onto wings without the cloak sight trait. 
  • ✩✪Horns: can look like anything and can either sit on top of the cape or poke through it. This trait can be used as spines on body or cape.
  • ✪Double Wing: Octo wings/double wings stem out of just the cape surface like a butterfly wing. This split can have up to 4 pairs (8 wings) in total.
  • Hex wings are glass-like and transparent. This cape wing can be any shape and does not have to look like an insect.
  • ✪Wing Pockets: are little loops for the hoodmakkas hands. They can also be full on pockets into the cape for storing things or small pockets that turn the cape into 'gloves'.
  • ✩Outside Teeth: can be any amount of teeth sitting on top of the mouth. These are not fangs that sit in the mouth or just protrude out of it as they do not require this trait.
Rare trait description  
  • ✩Unusual Eyes: includes non-simple shaped pupils. Also includes non 'eyes' like if you wanted to use gemstones or buttons for eyes/an eye.
  • ✪Top Hood Uncovered: is like a hat and exposes full face and is just the top part, Full hood uncovered is like a bonnet and the bottom half is still attached.
  • Feathered Cape: completely covers cape and or hood in feathers.
  • Hybrid: multiple cape materials used in one cloak. For example: Hex and feathered trait in one cape or a fabric and leaf cape (leaf cape would fall under other creature inspired)
  • ✪Tail Modifications: This is where hoodmakkas can technically have powers. Do they have a scorpion tail? A tail that ignites fires? A poisonous tail? Does the tail have and extra limb or hand on the tail? Think anything that isn't membranous or a common cape material or anything that moves or bends 
  • Eye Mouth: allows an eye to be concealed in the mouth. They can have extra eyes on the head with this trait. It is not uncommon for these types to be mute.
Epic trait description 
  • ✩Liquid Eyes: Eye can replicate any liquid and it appears as if the eyes are always 'crying' or floating. Your choice of how the flow goes or behaves.
  • ✪Full Veil Hood: covers the entire head and can be any shape (drapes over face). You can choose to add eyes or mouths of any lower tier given the stars. The veil can open up or have a split to open up to reveal the face but by default it covers the whole face. Is not like beast hood where there is a jaw or teeth or any semblance of another creature, but it can have dimension. 
  • ✪Arm-like Cape: is different from regular capes where the cape looks like it has fingers/pads. That is so because the arm cape is more 3 dimensional and can grab things unlike their flexible counterparts. This cape can connect to the back (the arms can) as this cape's main feature is bones/solidity in the limbs of the cape. Similar to the double cape, this trait may have up to 2-8 different branches or sections. Asymmetry is ok, 
  • ✪Wisp cape has a few properties. This cape can glow on the tips and can gradually get transparent (reverse or inverted, may not be fully transparent). This cape has a light feathery look (though it can be a full and undisturbed cape at the tips) and can often have little floating spores clouding the tips.
  • ✩✪Other Creature Inspired Cape(or 'creature cape') can mock the properties of any other organism. This also includes non-organic things like gemstones and stone or wood. This can be like a plant, a sea creature, you could even do a scaled cape for a reptile. Capable of affecting/spreading onto the body. Ex: roots or leaves that also spread to body.
  • Split Zipper Mouth doesn't have to have a zipper, it can just be a split mouth. Goes down the center of head vertically, and behaves similarly to a carnivorous plant/trap lid. Yes these things can open up quite wide. Cannot go down past the head. 
Mythic trait description 
  • Void completely removes the face and like the liquid eyes as it floats and oozes. Can replicate outer space if you wanted, and if you want eyes or a mouth or two floating in that void go for it. The void can look like it hollows out the face or levels off the face or fills the face. May not cover whole head.
  • Beast Hood is similar to the uncovered hoods, only the hood resembles an animal or beast. Generally this hood just has teeth that looks like a monster or another creature of sorts for the hood. Can and most often will have teeth on the hood (unless you decide to base it solely off of a fish or bird), and eyes are opt on the hood. These hoods can close shut and open. Doesn't have to have a jaw.
  • Fragmented Capes do not apply to the body. Parts and decal are floating, may have extra floating arms that are not the original body.
  • Cloak sight involves functional eyes on the cape. Can be on both sides or not, and can be any amount, any lower tier with stars, or any shape and size.
  • Arachnid Mouth can have mandibles that come out of the mouth, or a double jaw inside the mouth. This mouth tends to unhinge or even split at the jaw as opposed to a regular mouth.
  • Irregular Tongue can be anything that is not a regular tongue. A snake, a tentacle, a vine, a hand, anything. Just please do not get lewd with this one.
Ancient trait description  
  • Centaur involves a feral body and an anthro body. Exactly what a centaur means. However here the centaur can have many legs, if you want a centipede.
  • Naga hood can have a cobra hood/like cape (on the head) but is not required. Snake body on lower half.
  • Merhood has a fish/sea creature lower half. Can have gills but is given that they reside in water. 
  • Harpy has no arms, cape integrates into arm area. Think of it just like a regular bat. "Arms" can still be shown but the cape is attached and is part of them.
  • Hydra has multiple heads

Mutation trait description  

  • Wraith involves a feral body and an anthro body. Exactly what a centaur means. However here the centaur can have many legs, if you want a centipede.
  • Ethereal hood can have a cobra hood/like cape (on the head) but is not required. Snake body on lower half.
  • Detached has a fish/sea creature lower half. Can have gills but is given that they reside in water. 
  • Corrupt has no arms, cape integrates into arm area. Think of it just like a regular bat. "Arms" can still be shown but the cape is attached and is part of them.