Cyber City: Xenonet's Bulletins

☆ WE: Character Location

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Xiileaf

Welcome to the Cyber City: Xenonet main editing bulletin! Here you can do anything from adding characters to changing character world locations to requesting roles in the Xenonet story!

Please note that by adding your character/s to the Cyber City: Xenonet world, your character may be drawn in Xenonet illustrations or written in Xenonet-based literatures by anyone else if they so choose. If you do not want your character to be drawn or written, please do not submit them to the world. If you don't want your character to be drawn or written during redesigns, it is advised that you write "Do Not Draw/Write" in your character's name. Please don't have your character under editing for more than a week, especially for approved Role Requested characters.

Without further ado, let's get into it! Please use this bulletin to make your comments and be sure to read the entire bulletin before asking questions! If you do have any questions, please go here, thank you! More options may be added to this bulletin or options may be split up into additional bulletins if the world becomes popular. I can't wait to see what you guys are up to! Thank you for your interest in the Cyber City: Xenonet story! <3

Adding Characters!

Make Character Additions Here

Are you looking to add your character(s) to the Xenonet world? You've come to the right place! Here, you can submit a form to get your character added. Please note that submission may take some time due to faulty requests (where your character can and cannot be). I will do my best to reply as quickly as possible when receiving a faulty request. Please be patient!

When submitting your character, please make a Request Comment including the following form down in the comments AND link your Request Comment to your character submission in the "Reasons for wanting to submit character (optional)" box!

In regard to the last part of this form, I would like to make a quick disclaimer that while your character can have any type of occupation, your character might not be written into the story if they play a role such as an employee of the Bubble Maid Café or a council member of Apexium because these roles only have a specific number of slots open and are reserved for my mutuals' characters and my characters.


- Character TH Link: (link to character)

- Character Location Request: (ex. Bubble Maid Café)

- Character Occupation (Optional): (job/regular, helps if unsure of where you want to put your character, I can help decide!)

- I Accept That My Character May Be Drawn/Written By Others: Yes

Changing World Locations!

Make Character Location Changes Here

Are you looking to change where your character works or spends most of their time in Xenonet? Here you can request a Location Change for your characters to ensure they're in the right location! Please note that your character may not be able to move to locations such as Apexium or Foxx Real Estate unless you make a Role Request (see "Role Request!") and get it approved! These spots are reserved for my mutuals and my own characters as they may be essential to the story.

You will only be able to change character locations once per month, per character; character locations are supposed to be fairly flexible, but I cannot manage tons of Location Change requests! If you have already requested a location change and your character has been moved, I will politely decline and remind you of your latest location change. If you requested a change and your character has not yet been moved, feel free to edit your comment. Please use the following form when requesting for a Location Change! Again, please be patient if your request is faulty.

As of current, the only places your characters cannot be added to are as follows: Apexium, Foxx Real Estate, The Net Arena (Under Editing), Xenonet Raceway (Under Editing)


- Character TH Link: (link to character)

- Current Location: (where your character currently is)

- New Location: (where you want your character to be)

- Character Occupation (Optional): (job/regular, helps if unsure of where you want to put your character, I can help decide!)

Requesting Roles!

Make Character Role Requests Here

Are you a big fan of Xenonet and you want your characters to play a bigger role in the story? Here you can request for your character to play bigger parts in the story such as a council member of Apexium or a Bubble Maid Café employee! There are specific requirements to be able to submit a Role Request, so please be sure you meet them all before requesting! If you are a mutual of mine, you may request to bypass this step!

Role Request Requirements:

- You have been a part of the Cyber City: Xenonet world for at least 1 week.

- Have at least 3 characters submitted to the Xenonet world.

- You have submitted five illustrations (background and 2-3 significant scene objects) of characters interacting with the Xenonet world OR written 2000+ words about characters interacting with the Xenonet world. You can draw/write about your own characters, my characters, or any other characters you have gotten permission to draw/write about!

- You don't plan on trading the character any time soon (this isn't so much as a requirement, as it's just a waste of both your and my time haha~).

- You allow your character to be drawn/written by anyone who would like to do so. If you don't, it is heavily suggested that you put a "Do Not Draw/Write" notice in your character's name so you don't get art or literatures when in the middle of redesigning!

With that out of the way, here's the form for submitting your Role Request!


- Character TH Link: (link to character)

- Current Location: (where your character currently is)

- New Location (Optional): (where you want your character to be, if applicable)

- Links to Illustrations/Literatures: (link to all 5, can be a combination)

- I Accept That My Character May Be Drawn/Written By Others: Yes

- Bypass (Optional): (yes/no)

☆ Welcome: Bulletin Nav

Posted 2 years, 2 months ago by Xiileaf


Welcome to the Cyber City: Xenonet world! Here is the directory for bulletins in this world! More information on navigation and general info will be added as the world is developed.

Please comment below if you have any questions or concerns! I will try and make things as easily accessible as possible!

Bulletin Key!

Each bulletin will have a sort of key before its title! Here, I will be explaining the meaning of each key and what kind of information you can find accompanying it. More keys will be added as I work out what the world needs.

- WE (World Editing): This key enables you to add characters, change world locations, request roles in the Xenonet story, and more. You will be able to interact with these settings through the bulletin comments.

- RCS (Request Character Status): This key enables you to request for higher up statuses in the Cyber City: Xenonet story for your characters. The higher the status, the more likely and more often your character is to end up in the story.

- LS (Lore and/or Shorts): This key shows information on the lore of the city or little shorts of information (or story) that the reader can use to mold their own characters to the world.

Bulletin Navigation!

- WE: Character Location [Updated 4.13.22]