Frequent Questions


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What are PlushPockets?
PlushPockets are a species created by humans for comfort. They are made individually by the person who wishes to make one and no two are exactly alike.

What is a MYO?
MYO means Make Your Own. Please visit the MYO info page for more details~

What are PlushPockets filled with?
PlushPockets are filled with anything thier human desires. Be it normal cotton filling, sand, sparkles or glitter, small objects... it's up to the maker and what is most important to them.

Can my PlushPocket have accessories?
Yes! They can have an assorment of things but please don't make it so we can't tell what they design of the plush is!

Can my PlushPocket have hair?
Sadly no.. Plush don't grow like normal species. However, it is okay to give them a yarn wig to wear!

Can my PlushPocket be based of a canon character?
Yes, however we ask that you keep the likeness to a minimum. You can be inspired by a character but please do not make a copy of them.

Can my PlushPocket have different eyes?
Yes! Plush have buttons for eyes, so if there is a button with the shape you like you can use it!

Do PlushPockets make noise?
They do! Think like a quiet sqeaky toy.

Can PlushPockets have babies?
They can, but not in the normal sense. PlushPockets who have become infatuated with one another can ask either or both human parents for a child. They will give up some of thier stuffing for this process.

Can the Plush baby fit in the parents pocket?
They sure can~ These little babies will fit along side the parent button until they grow too big to fit. They don't grow in the normal sense, they keep thier apperance and just grow larger until 'adulthood'.

Can my PlushPocket have more than one(1) pocket?
Sure! Though on a normal Plush it may be a tad difficult unless you have a 'backpack' pocket.. So we recommend getting the Tall Potion if you wish to stack them or have them side by side~

Can PlushPockets have pets?
Yeah! Plush can have pets either made by thier human or small animal to keep.

What are Potions?
Potions are items used to give your PlushPocket extra traits!
The shop in the discord server has a list with descriptions!

What are Discord Boosts & Level Rewards?
If you boost the discord server, you receive special items or MYOs!
At a certain level in the server (for talking and being active) you are able to recieve rewards! Such as buttons, items and MYOs. Can I shorten PlushPockets to PP?
For the love of all that is good please do not. If you'd like to shorten it you can call them Plush or Pockets.

Can I own a PlushPocket but not be in the discord server?
We ask that you join the server so we can better keep track of the masterlist. If you absolutely cannot join the server you can always DM a mod or admin here or on discord. We will try to find a solution so that you can still enjoy your PlushPocket.

Side art credit in pictures. Hover mouse over to see.