❀ [[tumbleweed rolls through the graveyard]] ❀

It's a quiet month here, so enjoy your February~

❀ That's all for now, but we have more items and updates on the way! See you next update, or perhaps in our discord server? ;)

❀ Have a lovely beginning-of-year~ ❀

❀ January Prompt: Firework fun!

Does your Phantom like to play with Roman candles? Sparklers? or perhaps... something a little bigger (*cough* and possibly illegal without a permit *cough*)? Whether they're a flashy firebug or more of a sparkler scaredycat, let's see what shenanigans they get up to in the new year! 🎉✨

❀ Glitter & Glow:

MYOs submitted on/before the last day of January can have sparkling, glittery, or sparking plants!

Spangled, sparkled, or brilliantly shimmered-- let that specter shine! This month's trait is unnatural glitter, sequins, sparklers, disco balls, or similarly dazzling decor growing in/on/from your Phytophantom's plant.

If you have an already-created Phantom and want to add or swap in the trait(s), you may  submit an update adding this to their  design! The deadline is for all timezones-- this MYO event ends when everywhere in the world has hit the 1st of next month. You don't have to add this trait to your MYO if you don't  want to.

Check out our MYO page if you need more info! MYOs are always free/open, and only the monthly trait availability changes.

❀ That's all for now, but we have more items and updates on the way! See you next update, or perhaps in our discord server? ;)

❀ Have a lovely end-of-year~ ❀

❀ Incoming: a small surprise raffle 👀


Since it's the holiday season, I'll be raffling this lil adopt!

Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana)

❀  Tiny, blue, jewel-like soul seed-- its delicate facets shimmer like her eyes, and it feels strangely cool and refreshing to the touch. Inside is a downy scrap of a pampas tuft.
❀ New Growth: Soft pampas tuft antennae and grass blades sprout from her head and twine into her hair.
❀  Life Kiss: wherever she walks, little baby blades of grass grow behind  her. Nearby plants seem to thrive when she touches or talks to them.
Entering the raffle is easy-peasy! All you need to do is comment on this bulletin that you'd like to join the raffle. ค(๑✪ᆺ✪๑)ค

The winner will be drawn Dec. 26 🎁

December Prompt:

There is no prompt for this month-- December is busy for a lot of y'all! Instead, the special trait this month is...

❀ Festive Free-for-all:

MYOs submitted on/before the last day of December can have any oddball Phytophantom trait 🎉🎉

Go wild! You can include:

  • Dead, dying, or fatal-state plants (Any state in which a plant could not normally stay alive, e.g. frozen, petrified, on fire, or ripped to shreds)
  • Fantasy/alien/monster plants
  • Fungus, lichen, or coral instead of plant
  • Glowing plants
  • Plants growing unnatural 'fruits' (e.g. foods, objects, etc.)
  • Part(s) of plants made of a living substance (e.g. paper leaves, gold flower petals, or ice thorns)

If you have an already-created Phantom and want to add or swap in the trait(s), you may  submit an update adding this to their  design! The deadline is for all timezones-- this MYO event ends when everywhere in the world has hit the 1st of next month. You don't have to add this trait to your MYO if you don't  want to.

Check out our MYO page if you need more info! MYOs are always free/open, and only the monthly trait availability changes.

❀ That's all for now, but we have more items and updates on the way! See you next update, or perhaps in our discord server? ;)

November Update ❀

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by silverheart-nine

❀ It is update hours~ ❀

❀ November Prompt: Cozy Season Sips:

As the weather turns, it's a great time to curl up with a good book and a nice drink.

For this month, the prompt is to show us your Phantom enjoying a delicious warm drink! They could be relaxing at home, or out with friends (or even heisting a cheap coffee from a fast-food place, if their personality is a little... less cozy 😳)

Show us in the comments below!

Prompts like this one come out every month, and they're a way to get Phytophantom items-- points will be awarded for prompt entries, and you can use those to snag items of your choice.
  • Minimum of a sketch with rough color/tones -or- 200 words, if you'd rather write something
  • Simply comment on this bulletin with your entries to submit them!
  • Each  month you can get 2 points for drawing your own Phantom -or- 3 points  for drawing gift art of someone else's Phantom (please make sure to  respect any user notices that they prefer no gift arts. You are also  welcome to offer requests in the Discord server!)
  • Your points will be recorded on the on the 'Items' page, along with the rest of your inventory!

❀ Eat Your Greens!:

MYOs submitted on/before the last day of November can bond to plants made of... food??

Cheese fruits, leaves made of candy, pretzel stalks!? What sort of strange cornucopia of Phantoms is this? November Phantoms' plants can be partially made of food items (must be clearly shaped like a plant overall).

If you have an  already-created Phantom and want to add or swap in this trait, you may  submit an update adding this to their design! The deadline is for all timezones-- this MYO event ends when everywhere in the world has hit the 1st of next month. You don't have to add this trait to your MYO if you don't  want to.

Check out our MYO page if you need more info! MYOs are always free/open, and only the monthly trait availability changes.

❀ That's all for now, but we have more items and updates on the way! See you next update, or perhaps in our discord server? ;)

❀ Time for an update~ ❀

spade.png❀ New Item: Necromancer's Spade
Even in death, new life may yet be unearthed...

This spade lets your Phytophantom bond with a dead, dying, or fatal-state* plant!
(*Any state in which a plant could not ordinarily remain alive; e.g. burning, petrified, or ripped apart.)

Though Phytophantoms usually need a living plant to keep themselves from fading, a few determined Phantoms can anchor themselves with ones that have already died...

❀ October Prompt: Spooked Specters:

Ghosts can be pretty scary... but does anyone ever think to check if if -they're- scared?

For this month, the prompt is to show us how well your Phantom handles Halloween scares! Do they adore creepy movies and breeze through haunted houses, or are they more likely to scream at spiderwebs and hate jumpscares with a passion?

Show us in the comments below!

Prompts like this one come out every month, and they're a way to get Phytophantom items-- points will be awarded for prompt entries, and you can use those to snag items of your choice.
  • Minimum of a sketch with rough color/tones -or- 200 words, if you'd rather write something
  • Simply comment on this bulletin with your entries to submit them!
  • Each  month you can get 2 points for drawing your own Phantom -or- 3 points  for drawing gift art of someone else's Phantom (please make sure to  respect any user notices that they prefer no gift arts. You are also  welcome to offer requests in the Discord server!)
  • Your points will be recorded on the on the 'Items' page, along with the rest of your inventory!

❀ Frightful Friends:

MYOs submitted on/before the last day of September can bond with monstrous/alien plants!
Ordinarily, Phytophantoms bond to ordinary plants... but something strange is stirring during spooky season~ This month, fantasy plants from alien worlds or mad scientists' labs are on the menu! Plants might grow tentacles, teeth, alien eyes, or some other manner of unnatural & monstrous form...

If you have an  already-created Phantom and want to add or swap in this trait, you may  submit an update adding this to their design! The deadline is for all timezones-- this MYO event ends when everywhere in the world has hit the 1st of next month. You don't have to add this trait to your MYO if you don't  want to.

Check out our MYO page if you need more info! MYOs are always free/open, and only the monthly trait availability changes.

❀ That's all for now, but we have more items and updates on the way! See you next update, or perhaps in our discord server? ;)

They're here~! This toothsome trio is open for $25 flat price each 🦷_open_3_3__phytophantom_bite_batch_by_si

Shark Bites [closed]
(Agave - agave cupreata)
[replaced parts: agave fins]

Although a little rough around the edges (watch out for the prickles!), this sharp lad has a soothing voice and a heart as big as the ocean. Just look at that big toothy smile!

Once Bitten, Twice Shy [closed]
(Wild Violet - viola odorata) (Buttercup - ranunculus bulbosus)
[life kiss - sprouting - floating objects: petal halo]

Life  is often full of misfortunes for little rabbits, but death has been pretty nice so far! Jumpy old habits are hard to break, though-- this bunny tends to turn translucent when startled or shy. Be gentle with this skittish floral Phytophantom. :)

Bite Me [open]
(Red Witchweed - striga asiatica) (Bat Wing Begonia - begonia x hybrida)
[consuming roots - new growth]

Sometimes,  your fervent dreams of becoming a vampire go a little bit... awry. But no matter! Bonding to a parasitic plant and haunting the night with  theatrical flair is very, very nearly the same thing. ♡ Be wary of this Phantom’s dangerous touch... life-consuming roots might sprout forth!

❀ Here comes a brand-new update~ ❀

❀ 'Bite' Batch Is Here!

Three new Phantoms have arrived in our latest bulletin~

Shark Bites

Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Bite Me

❀ September Prompt: Online Afterlife:

Does your Phantom like to hang out on social media sites or apps?

What would your Phytophantom's social media look like?
You could draw them posting something, a post/photo/tutorial video/meme from them, a profile, their absolute refusal to learn how to use these dang newfangly TweetFaces & MyTubes, their best-ever profile picture, etc.! The media platform(s) you pick can be real or made-up.

Show us in the comments below!

Prompts like this one come out every month, and they're a way to get Phytophantom items-- points will be awarded for prompt entries, and you can use those to snag items of your choice.
  • Minimum of a sketch with rough color/tones -or- 200 words, if you'd rather write something
  • Simply comment on this bulletin with your entries to submit them!
  • Each month you can get 2 points for drawing your own Phantom -or- 3 points for drawing gift art of someone else's Phantom (please make sure to respect any user notices that they prefer no gift arts. You are also welcome to offer requests in the Discord server!)
  • Your points will be recorded on the on the 'Items' page, along with the rest of your inventory!

❀ Petrified Petals:

MYOs submitted on/before the last day of September can have plants that have frozen or turned to stone!
These Phantoms must have an unnaturally strong will-- even though their plant has 'given up the ghost,' the ghost is not willing to give up the plant! Ordinarily a petrified or frozen plant without replacement would mean the end of a Phytophantom... but somehow, mysteriously, they linger on??

If you have an already-created Phantom and want to add or swap in this trait, you may submit an update adding this to their design! The deadline is for all timezones-- this MYO event ends when everywhere in the world has hit October 1st. You don't have to add this trait to your MYO if you don't want to.

Check out our MYO page if you need more info! MYOs are always free/open, and only the monthly trait availability changes.

❀ That's all for now, but we have more items and updates on the way! See you next update, or perhaps in our discord server? ;)

❀ This month's update is out of the oven, hot and fresh~ ❀

❀ We're kicking off monthly art prompts:

We want to see 'planty' more of your Phytophantoms, so each coming month will have a new prompt for you!

Prompts will be a way to get Phytophantom items-- points will be awarded for prompt entries, and you can use those to snag items of your choice.

  • Minimum of a sketch with rough color/tones -or- 200 words if you'd rather write something
  • Simply comment on this bulletin with your entries to submit them
  • Each month you can get 2 points for drawing your own Phantom -or- 3 points for drawing someone else's!
  • Your points will be recorded on the on the 'Items' page, along with the rest of your inventory
We may end up tweaking the numbers/adding more types of prizes in the future to fine-tune it for you guys! Details on that are in progress. :)

❀ August Prompt: Ahh, Refreshing:

Is your Phytophantom feeling the summer heat? Time for a cool drink!

How does your Phantom like to water their plant? Is it icy drinks, watering cans, swimming, rain, showers, sprinklers, waterslides? Or perhaps for desert plant types, they don't want much water?

Soak up that tasty water and show us in the comments below!

❀ Bites & Blooms:

MYOs submitted on/before June 30th can have teeth in/on their plants!
Whether it's toothy thorns, monstrous mouths, or biting buds, these Phantoms can be unnaturally nippy. Watch your fingers!

If  you have  an already-created Phantom and want to add or swap in plant-teeth, you may  submit an update adding this to their design! The deadline is for all timezones-- this MYO event ends when  everywhere in  the world has hit September 1st. You don't have to add this trait to your MYO if you don't  want to.

Check out our MYO page if you need more info! MYOs are always free/open, and only the monthly trait availability changes.

❀ That's all for now, but we have more items and updates on the way! See you next update, or perhaps in our discord server? ;)

❀ Welcome to the update zone~ ❀

spore_packet.png❀ New Item: Spore Packet
[paper packet-shaking noises]

This packet lets your Phytophantom bond to something not-quite-plant...  You can pick your packet's contents:
  1. Fungus
  2. Lichen
  3. Coral
👀 You can snag one of these by sharing the Phytophantoms group in a Toyhouse bulletin (or DeviantArt journal/status if you prefer), and commenting it below~

The Items page is the 'about' page and item bank for all our items!

❀ July- Magic Metal:

MYOs submitted on/before July 31th can have plants made of living metal!
This month, "gold leaf" might just be literal-- whether part or all of the plant is made of metal is up to you. Any metal element is fair game.

If  you have  an already-created Phantom and want to add or swap in some magical metal, you may submit an update adding this to their design! The deadline is for all timezones-- this MYO event ends when  everywhere in  the world has hit July 1st. You don't have to add this trait to your MYO if you don't  want to.

Check out our MYO page if you need more info! MYOs are always free/open, and only the monthly trait availability changes.

❀ That's all for now, but we have more items and updates (and art prompts??) on the way! See you next update, or perhaps in our discord server? ;)
(We're gonna hold off on introducing art prompts this month since Art Fight is running!)

❀ Update tiiime! ❀

charmed_water_elixir.png❀ New Item: Charmed Water Elixir
What an odd little bottle... We've tested it out by making our mods taste it safely and humanely, and the results are in!

This potion can do one of three things to your Phytophantom:
  1. Make part or all of your Phantom's plant glow
  2. Make your Phantom's plant grow unnatural 'fruits'
    (e.g. foods, objects, etc.)
  3. Turn part(s) of your Phantom's plant into a living substance
    (e.g. paper leaves, gold flower petals, ice thorns)

👀 I'm  pretty sure I accidentally dropped a few of these bottles and they  rolled onto a page in this Toyhouse world somewhere... If you can spot  them, you're welcome to pick one up!

This 'Items' page will be the 'about' page and item bank for all our upcoming new items~

❀ Guest Artists? Yes please!

[Rolls out big floral welcome mat]
We'll be accepting 2 guest artists-- so comment below by June 15th if you're interested in making a Phytophantom adoptable or two :) We'll let you know soon after the 15th if you're chosen!

If  you are chosen as a guest artist, any proceeds from your adoptables are 100% yours to keep. We're looking for people to make 1-3 adoptables, whichever you're most comfy with. We'll post your adoptable(s) in a  bulletin, on the forum thread, and in our discord :)

❀ Summer Spores:

MYOs submitted on/before June 30th can be bonded to fungi instead of normal plants!
This month marvelous mycology and mushrooms are on the menu~
If  you have  an already-created Phantom and want to add or swap in some  fungus-y goodness, you may  submit an update adding this to their design! The deadline is for all timezones-- this MYO event ends when  everywhere in  the world has hit July 1st. You don't have to add this trait to your MYO if you don't  want to.

Check out our MYO page if you need more info! MYOs are always free/open, and only the monthly trait availability changes.

❀ That's all for now, but we have more items and updates (and art prompts??) on the way! See you next update, or perhaps in our discord server? ;)