
The Social Hierarchy

Unfortunately, this world is divided into social classes, 3 to be more precise.

We firstly have the royals, they live in the highest spots of the main city "blank" or may even reside in the floating city "Esadence". Most of them are successful merchants or even celebrities and they are mostly known for committing tax fraud.

Then we have the middle class. These citizens live in the main city "blank", which is divided into 5 districts, the closer they are to the walls, the poorer the area is.

Last and definitely least we have the lower class, who resides in the underground area, known as "Zraphis". These citizens are not protected by the military as much as they should be, the army barely does any patrols there, and the whole area is under the "responsibility" of another corps known as the "State police".

Zraphis, The Undergrounds

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Main City

Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

Esadence, Floating City

Where the rich thrieve and are safe from beast attacks. Teeny floating cities are mostly occupied by rich families or small aristocratic communities. Meanwhile the biggest floating city "Esadence" is where the council sits, same with the biggest market you could ever find.

You can determinate the importance of each cities by it's distance from the ground, the more far they are, the more important the people are.

The Army

The army sits in the highest area of "blank", towering over all the districts and even Zraphis. There are so many different sections, going from the regular school to the arena and even the monster laboratory.

At the core of the army, we can find the council, where all the captains, elite and not, meet to decide their next move. If you want to check the army and each area in details, just click here (link).


The orphanages can be found in all 5 of the districts and they are not present in Zraphis. If a child of Zraphis gets surrendered at one of the orphanages they will immediately be considered a citizen of the district they are now in and no longer a part of Zraphis.

There will be a tax that will have to be paid by the surrendered child as soon as they turn 18, if they aren't able to pay said tax, they will be evicted from Zraphis.