Empty Dream


“That’s life. Whichever way you turn, fate sticks out a foot to trip you.”

—Al Roberts (Tom Neal)

Welcome to the world of Empty Dreams, where the earth was wiped of basically all human life and taken over by demons and moth-men. During the 1920s, a little before the great depression, a fatal plague broke out that originated from a genius of Amanita. Nicknamed "Killer Amanita," this plague wiped out nearly all human life, allowing lesser creatures to evolve and take over society. Where humans left off, monsters took over and established new countries and colonies and took over significant preexisting cities such as New York, Toronto and London.

Today the world is primarily stuck in the 1940s as most monsters lack the knowledge of human inventions and a shared drive of curiosity and exploration. However, that doesn't stop them from making advancements in science. Major global conflicts such as ww2 have been replaced by large wars against different species of monsters fighting over who would be the dominant species to own the land.


City Info

" It was a cool day and very clear. You could see a long way-but not as far as Velma had gone."

—James J. Caterino, She

The cities of the world are now known for being common grounds where each creature can live in peace without worrying about a war breaking out amongst them. The cities typically have a very grey haze due to the monsters' nearby factories built to mass-produce certain items species need to have a comfortable life, such as water tanks for the seafolk and translators for those who only growl. Cities are known for the opportunity and are usually the most peaceful places globally, but they are challenging to move. Higher-class monsters and monsters offered jobs in the cities live within their walls.


The Wilds info

"I found far more answers in the woods than I ever did in the city."

—Mary Davis

Largely left untouched by those who live outside of the forests, it is home to many tree spirits and gentle creatures who guard the woods with their life. To acquire any wood, you must first consult a tree spirit to benefit you as they are sacrificing their body. You must whisper as you go through the forest and be careful not to step on any insects or anything the beings of the woods deem holy. Most monsters avoid the forests as it is dangerous for them to dwell. The woods are usually a vibrant green throughout the seasons, with bright dots of colour breaking the green ambiance. It constantly smells crisp and floral in the woods, and you can tell you are drawing close to one once you smell the sweet fragrance of the flowers.



"The desert, when the sun comes up. I couldn't tell where heaven stopped and the Earth began."

—Tom Hanks

More reptilian monsters/warped people reside here. It's a harsh and very hot envoriment and only the strongest of monsters can live here. Towns are far and few between and a very popular form of transport is by train. Monsters usually travel here for the mining and the lawlessness of the land.



"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.



"Insert a quote here."

—Who said this quote or when this quote was said

Integer odio lorem, fringilla vitae nunc vel, faucibus mattis elit. In sagittis libero sem, dignissim pellentesque massa eleifend nec. Nam rhoncus sodales eros sit amet blandit. Sed non metus sapien. Mauris ac leo eu magna hendrerit rhoncus. Fusce a tristique purus. Donec sed malesuada nibh. Sed venenatis ultrices orci, at blandit velit vehicula ac. Pellentesque tincidunt nunc at neque pretium eleifend. Donec at enim a orci congue aliquet. Integer elementum libero ac leo ultrices, quis mattis diam ornare.

Phasellus bibendum sapien a dolor luctus pretium. Nullam commodo erat neque, quis consequat nunc consectetur posuere. Pellentesque volutpat velit eget turpis consectetur, a placerat metus sagittis. Vestibulum fermentum, leo euismod suscipit consequat, nibh nibh egestas velit, eget sagittis ante tortor id diam. Aliquam aliquet eget velit vitae tincidunt. Sed nisl ipsum, tempor nec aliquam eu, efficitur dignissim sem. Nulla ornare auctor pulvinar. Etiam blandit augue eu maximus iaculis. Suspendisse laoreet tortor quis enim molestie, pretium imperdiet tellus placerat. Phasellus in diam mi.

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