PUPPYSPACE - kyuumi !

" Welcome to the myatriplex, kyuu! "

general info

This world is still a major WIP. Thank you for your patience!

active staff !










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Pellentesque laoreet, libero non eleifend elementum, elit erat molestie dolor, vitae dapibus velit lacus quis nunc. Fusce tellus justo, posuere et augue ac, varius posuere nisi. Etiam at nibh arcu. Maecenas sem enim, ultricies ut quam quis, pulvinar faucibus libero. Donec pulvinar velit neque, euismod ultricies enim pulvinar ut. Maecenas id maximus nibh. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec faucibus sapien ac sem viverra, at feugiat lectus rhoncus. Sed gravida rhoncus sapien, convallis molestie sem. Duis pretium sapien fermentum lacus egestas molestie sit amet ut eros. Nulla vitae porttitor eros. Phasellus molestie ipsum eget arcu suscipit, quis pretium ante iaculis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed id erat accumsan, imperdiet arcu sed, fringilla eros.


HELLO !! My name is Pyun !! Today I'll be your guide through the wonderful planet of kyubiis today !!!!! ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

Hence the name, puppyspace is a solar system consisting of solely one planet apart from the myun - KYUBIIS. Kyubiis is populated by none other than Kyuumins !!!!! Kyuumins are a diverse society of inumimi (and other creatures). We love to explore and make new friends, finding new things to explore every day !! Our most important rule as a tourist is not to stray too far from society, do not harm others, and HAVE FUN !! Other than that, everything is free play ! Feel free to use safe transport to travel across different regions around the world !!(^ω^)

Do not pay attention if you see Kyuumins dispatching harmful creatures, it is only natural to be scared of unidentified beings. We strive to keep each other safe!! The matriplex is the main area of Kyubiis, a large social city with huge impacts on fashion life and other aspects of society. Celebrities, mascots, singers, idols !!!!!!! We are very proud of what we’ve created and built, nobody can bring us down ! ★~(◠‿◕✿)

MYO shop

How to Purchase

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