A fantasy universe taking place around the 1800's (liable to change, though there is some modern technology because of the interference of portals and timehoppers) around the Atlantic/Red/Mediterranean Sea. Locations are generally geographically correct to ours, though details and political systems are purely fictional. moodboard for general environment



The North Eastern Empire is a string of districts in what would be around nothern Africa and sourthern Europe. The area is split into "quarters," North, South, East and West. Most Nothern countries are controlled by an increasing Imperial power dominating trade and imposing colonization among villages on west and southcoast trade ports. Dubbed "Imps" by opposers (offical name yet to be chosen), the Imperials's ideals are heavily anti-magic and seek to eradicate free exercise of any 'magic' related science and practices. 

Confliced by the RC, a rebel union founded by "Tenders," the two powers race for trade control of costal ports through military force (Navy). Though most magic folk side with the RC, the union's existance isn't to vouche for their political standing; their main interest is trade regulation and control.



Monteel Lange (name subject to change), the Imperial 'king,' ... WIP



Imperials usually appear in costal towns as "Witchhunters," "Hounders," or just "Mercs;" heavily-armoured mercenaries whose job is to sniff out witches, mages and alchemists alike not complying with Imperial law on capitalism and market systems. They use a wildebeest-like animal as mounts, known for being able to "smell magic" and react to their surplus of elevated energy. Not repremanded by local government, since they act like a foregin milita and take advantage of the government's weakness as their attention is divided with foregin affairs/wars over country borders with Asia far East. Their influence technically ends (by law) somewhere near the border of the Western and Southern Quarter, but that doesn't stop a few stray mercs from unfairly prosecuting the occasinal unlucky mage by dragging them back north using a few strategically-placed loopholes in their treaties (i.e. travelers crossing borders, or selling items whose native location is under their dominion).

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