they r created in ms paint that's ,, that's literally it ,,
they can change colors to whatever u want n they r very stretchy u can pull them like a mochi
can be drawn anywhere but they r initially created in ms paint!!! would be best if u drew them on ms paint ywooo but like i said they can b drawn anywhere
i will give them away every now n then (it will b stated in their bios!!

they should resemble animals (just vaguely is okay too!!) other than that go crazy!! (i don't wanna be too strict nwn)
they r an open species so basically ur free to make ur own!! just submit them to the world :]
u can sell them as adopts :0 just make sure to submit to the world if u want them to count under this species :D
they r just derpy little guys!! (n that's why they usually just have little dots for eyes ><)


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Posted 2 years, 7 months ago by kissies

the species ,, it's growing ,, world domination soon :tm:unknown.png

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