How to Get Started

If you are new to Ghosttens no worries, you can learn most about how our species works here in this channel. If you're confused with something or this guide does not answer any questions, you can also check out our FAQ, if any questions are still unanswered you may also ask in our servers questions channel for a staff member to answer. If you have a question but are not in the server you're free to DM a staff member here

How to get your first Ghostten

If you are a first-time Ghostten owner ( meaning you have never owned a Ghostten before and do not currently ) you can receive a free common MYO ticket in the thread found in our servers questions channel

Once you have a MYO ticket you can begin designing your Ghostten, or have someone else design it for you ( anyone can design a MYO ticket, they do not have to be an official artist or staff member ). Once the design is complete or once you have the sketch you can send them for approval in our design approval channel, also found in our server

How to get MYO tickets

This species is referred to as a closed species, meaning you cannot make your own Ghostten without a MYO ticket. You can either obtain a MYO ticket by purchasing one, offering on someone else's, being gifted one, participating in events, raffles, and more


How to get tokens

As mentioned, one way to get a MYO ticket is by purchasing one. In this species, the only way to purchase a MYO ticket is with our very own currency, tokens. You can earn tokens by submitting Ghostten art, participating in contests, entering raffles, and more. You can also earn tokens as a reward for boosting the server

How to become a guest / perm artist

Guest / perm artists are users who can create adopts for Ghosttens, guest artists being able to during a one month term and perm artists being able to indefinitely

If you are interested in becoming a guest artist auditions open up at the end of every month and are hosted on our Discord server. If you are interested in becoming a perm artist, auditions also open up however not as often. Perm artists are sometimes also picked from users who re-audition for guest artists and are actively creating adopts