CS-Glass Birdies's Bulletins

[GB] Spring Celebration 2k23!

Posted 1 year, 2 months ago by Flock_Inventory


Spring is in the air, and with it a Spring Event!

What this? There are eggs hidden everywhere!

。・:*˚:✧。•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•。✧:˚*:・。

As you walk around, you notice a definite mixture of reactions to the arrival of Spring. Whispers drift past your ears about 'the first batch of eggs being found,' and you can see and hear parents ushering their children inside. The children, of course, opt to do the exact opposite of what their parents want them to do; running outside and forming groups all chattering and chirping about egg hunting - only a younger Birdie or two seem nervous, asking their friends about 'The Menace.'

But before you can pull somebirdie aside and ask them what's going on, you stumble into a spectacular scene:

A massive fashion show stage, set up right at the entrance of the Glass City. Professional-looking Birdies roam all over and around it, the majourity of them dressed in white, angelic clothing with gold trimmings, all with the label 'Glass & Glamour' somewhere on their clothes. You do, however, see one of the Founders - Beau, who to your surprise spots you and quickly makes his way over.

It's almost intimidating as the Primordial towers over you, but you find yourself at ease as he offers you a warm smile and pats your head.

"Oh, no no, you can't be here yet, didn't you see the guide rails?" Oh... that's what those were, "You can come back later, if you plan on joining though! We should be finished setting up in a week, and then one of the G&G staff will have you all set up. The Fashion Show isn't until the end of the month, though, so you'll have plenty of time to get your style together."

Ohhh. OH!

Beau chuckles and pats your head again, "Go on now, alright? And don't wander off too far and find yourself in the clutches of the Glass Menace!"

You pause entirely in your tracks from where he was ushering you off, turning wide eyes up to him. Glass Menace?

He sighs with a tense smile, pressing more keenly on your back, clearly busy but willing to answer anyway, "Well, you'll hear the rumours soon enough. We don't actually know what it is, but key witnesses claim it's a massive glass beast, much smarter than an Amalgam. It leaves eggs all over the place, yet no one has any real proof of it existing - though... it did wreck our show, last year. We think it got caught up in the curtains; pulled the whole thing down and tore itself free- left quite the mess."

Oh... wow.

"Yes, wow. There's even a wives' tale about it, because of all the eggs it leaves lying around. If you misbehave, the Glass Menace will come to steal your eggs and hide them away!" Beau laughs, clearly not believing it, "But hey, don't let that discourage you from picking up any eggs you find. Finder's keeper's, now go have fun!"

。・:*˚:✧。•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•。✧:˚*:・。

The anticipated Spring Event hinted by moderators is finally here! Not quite as busy as the opening event, but hopefully still plenty of fun <3

To Participate:
   While there are no special MYO eggs this time around, there's still a reward you can get for sharing this post! Sharing this post in a Bulletin or Journal and then commenting below linking us to said post will get you a reward, with added bonuses per tier listed below-

Journal/Bulletin: x1 Uncommon Trait
Up to 3 tags: 50 Fibers per tag
All 3 tags: x1 Rare Trait

Blindbag & Adopts:
   For the event, Moderators will be posting a Spring-themed adopt back that will have a few different methods of obtaining the designs. As well as this, there will be a "Blindbag" hosted by both moderators and any guest artists brought on-board. This Blindbag will not be to pull designs, but rather the name of one of the artists participating!

Once the bag is closed, an announcement will be made featuring the names of the artists in the draw, as well as the price to draw, and once their name is pulled, the artist will then get in contact with the person who pulled their name, and the person who pulled their name will receive a custom design from them - of which they can go over details in private.

These special mod customs are all allowed up to Very Rare Traits, with the addition of a choice: Either 3 Legendary Traits, or 1 Cursed Trait. Not all traits have to be used!

The rules for each adopt and the blindbag itself may vary, so please pay close attention in order to make sure that we're all acting fairly.

   Members must already be on the Inventory to be able to participate in the event. Characters used for the event must be from the species to reap any reward. The event will last until 12AM on May 1st, whereupon the Blindbag will also close. The Spring-Themed Adopt Batch will remain upon until either all designs are claimed, or designers decide what to do with anything unsold. 

An event booth will soon be made available for members to participate in. This stall will be posted one week after the event post, and will be free-to-play. Each stall will have a specific set of prizes, which will be rolled by whoever is tending to that specific booth. It will have a larger requirement than previous booths, but will also have a greater set of rewards.

Finally, there are rumours that a special shop will eventually appear somewhere nearby! Keep an eye out for a special supply of MYO Items!

Mysterious Glass Eggs:
   Special “Mysterious Glass Eggs” will appear at random, with the ability to show up in Discord channels on the Birdie server as well as anywhere within the dA or TH groups at any given time. The eggs can contain anything from Fibers to Event Currency, to even MYO Items! Some eggs will only be allowed to claim by one person, while others will have a certain amount of claims available for all members.

We don't mind people telling where and when they find one of these eggs, because sharing is caring and we love when our members interact with and havefun with each other! There's plenty of fun prizes to go around, so please make sure to give a quick look around every day and have lots of fun!!

Event Currency: Gourmet Chocolates.
   Special chocolates that are just too good not to share. While some see them as a great way to tell someone they mean something to you, others are willing to accept them as forms of payment.

They come in many flavours, but the most popular is a simple milk chocolate with a cherry pressed into it. It’s common knowledge that sharing this specific flavour with someone means you love them.

Wet Your Beak

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Flock_Inventory


A square-tent booth with a firm backboard. On the back wall are three rows, with cutouts of Glass Fledglings attached to little sticks - clearly to move when prompted. There are targets beneath the board, lined up with three mounted waterguns at the front of the stall. You run your hand absent-mindedly along the counter as you consider the game booth, and nearly jump out of your skin when a Birdie in a purply suit stands up from behind said counter.

"Oh, sorry about that, I didn't mean to startle you," They soothe with a chuckle, leaning on the counter with both hands, "Are you interested in playing? I just replaced one of the water shooters, since it was on the fritz, so you're just in time."

Her voice is deep and soothing, and she seems to express herself with her hands a lot; you follow their movement to look at the shooter she replaced; sure enough, it's completely dry, a high contrast to the ones next to it.

"Just 25 marbles, yeah? And you'll have to wait for a couple of others to compete with, but it shouldn't take too long. Sound alright?"

How to Play
Members must either draw or write about either an NPC or their created Birdie trying to win the race by shooting their target. They can get either 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place prizes.


25 Glass Marbles


1) All drawing entries must be at least a flatcoloured halfbody with a simple background.

2) All writing entries must be at least 300 words.

3) All Birdies used must be on the Masterlist.


1) Must be listed on the Inventory in order to participate, but members do not need to already own a Birdie.

2) Characters used must be from the species.

3) Must reply to the correct pinned comment in order to interact and receive a prize.

4) Only operable twice per player.

5) In-character interactions will be met with in-character replies from the booth manager.

Art by ShadowDarespark 

Chalk Alley!

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Panic89


The immediate circle of pavement surrounding the Lollipop Tree and the Wheel of Surprises fills your vision as you turn around, it is filled with tons of Birdies, both young and old (although mostly young), drawing on the pavement with chalk! When one notices you, they run up exciting, holding out a box of chalks for you to come and join them in the fun!

How to Play:
Members must either draw or write about either an NPC or their created Birdie drawing or playing around with chalk!

Free to Play

50 Fibers & 50 Glass Marbles

1) All drawing entries must be at least a flatcoloured halfbody with a simple background.
2) All writing entries must be at least 300 words.
3) All Birdies used must be on the Masterlist.

1) Must be listed on the Inventory in order to participate, but members do not need to already own a Birdie.
2) Characters used must be from the species.
3) Must reply to the correct pinned comment in order to interact and receive a prize.
4) Only operable twice per player.
5) In-character interactions will be met with in-character replies from the booth manager.

**( Art by ShadowDarespark! )**

Food Boothes

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Panic89

BirdieFoodStallsConcept.pngA separate alley lined with various types of food carts, tents, and stalls. A myriad of scents drift through the air, though mostly everything smells fried.

After walking around the alley a bit more, the smell of smokiness and fresh sweetness fill the air; you round a tree to find two friendly faces working at their food stalls.

The Birdie you see on the left smiles and waves, excited, while the Birdie you see on the right politely smiles and nods as they bring over another barrel of fresh strawberries.

How to Play:
Members must either draw or write about either an NPC or their created Birdie making their way through the alley, enjoying at least one snack or beverage!

15 Glass Marbles

1) All drawing entries must be at least a flatcoloured halfbody with a simple background.
2) All writing entries must be at least 300 words.
3) All Birdies used must be on the Masterlist.

1) Must be listed on the Inventory in order to participate, but members do not need to already own a Birdie.
2) Characters used must be from the species.
3) Must reply to the correct pinned comment in order to interact and receive a prize.
4) Only operable twice per player.
5) In-character interactions will be met with in-character replies from the booth manager.

Face Paint

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Cap


Near the central area of the festival in the main hub of activity sits a deeper tent than most, filled with tables and chairs and the smell of paint. Birdies young and old flutter about the area, excited for their turns.

A seat opens up just as you approach; a hastily set up booth just outside the tent itself, manned by a familiar face quickly waving you over.

"It's you, hey!" Katty - as you had learned her name to be - exclaims, "I finally broke away to have some fun!"

At the long look you give her, she rolls her eyes playfully, "Yeah, I know. Being outside was the only compromise I could get from Tenny; he wanted me to be able to see the eggs and run over if I gotta- but hey! While we're both here, why don't you get your face done up! I'm like, a master at making people look their best, and it doesn't cost a thing! Whaddya say?"

How to Play: Members must either draw or write about either an NPC or their created Birdie sitting down to get their face painted!

Cost: Free-to-Play

1) All drawing entries must be at least a flatcoloured halfbody with a simple background.
2) All writing entries must be at least 300 words.
3) All Birdies used must be on the Masterlist.

1) Must be listed on the Inventory in order to participate, but members do not need to already own a Birdie.
2) Characters used must be from the species.
3) Must reply to the correct pinned comment in order to interact and receive a prize.
4) Only operable twice per player.
5) In-character interactions will be met with in-character replies from the booth manager.

Hackysack Toss

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Flock_Inventory

Hackysack Toss


Not far from the Chalk Zone - as well as the three pushed-together picnic tables with several eggs resting atop them - up against a tree rests a hand-crafted cornhole. Leaning against the tree is a young adult Birdie, with snowy white hair and ghostly pale features, dutifully watching the Scientists' table from afar. They smell faintly of cleaning chemicals as you approach, and one of their tufted ears lifts toward you.


"Oh, hey," Their voice is both lighter and softer than you were expecting, "The game's Hackysack. You toss a little beanbag in the hole, and you get a prize. Up for it? Only costs 25 Marbles. Seven tries."


Seems to be a Birdie of few words.


How to Play: Members must either draw or write about either an NPC or their created Birdie trying to earn as many points as possible with their seven hackysacks.

Cost: 25 Glass Marbles

1) All drawing entries must be at least a flatcoloured halfbody with a simple background.
2) All writing entries must be at least 300 words.
3) All Birdies used must be on the Masterlist.

1) Must be listed on the Inventory in order to participate, but members do not need to already own a Birdie.
2) Characters used must be from the species.
3) Must reply to the correct pinned comment in order to interact and receive a prize.
4) Only operable twice per player.
5) In-character interactions will be met with in-character replies from the booth manager.

Art assistance by Cap

Lollipop Tree

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Flock_Inventory

Lollipop Tree


It's later in the day when you finally stumble upon a hastily put together booth near the back of the festival. You can tell that whoever put it together didn't put a lot of care into it, and that fact alone intrigues you enough to draw you in! A birdie sits on the edge of the booth, several lollipop wrappers strewn around them. Their wings are foggy, but you can tell that they appear to be. . . solid black? How strange!


As you approach the booth, the birdie's eyes flick to you and you swear that you saw them roll their eyes a little. . .


"You wanna lollipop? Fine. I'm not the boss of you."


How to Play: Members must either draw or write about either an NPC or their created Birdie pulling a lollipop from the tree. The bottom of the stick will be daubed with a colour that correlates to certain prizes.

Cost: Free-to-Play

1) All drawing entries must be at least a flatcoloured halfbody with a simple background.
2) All writing entries must be at least 300 words.
3) All Birdies used must be on the Masterlist. 

1) Must be listed on the Inventory in order to participate, but members do not need to already own a Birdie.
2) Characters used must be from the species.
3) Must reply to the correct pinned comment in order to interact and receive a prize.
4) Only operable once per player.
5) In-character interactions will be met with in-character replies from the booth manager.


Bobbing for Pears

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Flock_Inventory

Bobbing for Pears


Sitting on the grass, a duck-motif kiddie pool filled with…. Pears? Why pears?


How to Play: Members must either draw or write about either an NPC of their created Birdie trying to fish out a pear without using their hands.

Cost: Free-to-Play

1) All drawing entries must be at least a flatcoloured halfbody with a simple background.
2) All writing entries must be at least 300 words.
3) All Birdies used must be on the Masterlist.

1) Must be listed on the Inventory in order to participate, but members do not need to already own a Birdie.
2) Characters used must be from the species.
3) Must reply to the correct pinned comment in order to interact and receive a prize.
4) Only operable twice per player.
5) In-character interactions will be met with in-character replies from the booth manager.


Birdie Golf

Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Flock_Inventory

Birdie Golf


There’s a miniature golf course set up near the outskirts of the festivities. Mostly kids are playing it, but it seems open to everyone.


How to Play: Members must either draw or write about either an NPC or their created Birdie trying to play minigolf.

Cost: 50 Glass Marbles

1) All drawing entries must be at least a flatcoloured halfbody with a simple background.
2) All writing entries must be at least 300 words.
3) All Birdies used must be on the Masterlist.

1) Must be listed on the Inventory in order to participate, but members do not need to already own a Birdie.
2) Characters used must be from the species.
3) Must reply to the correct pinned comment in order to interact and receive a prize.
4) Only operable twice per player.
5) In-character interactions will be met with in-character replies from the booth manager.



Posted 1 year, 3 months ago by Flock_Inventory



Not far from the rest of the booths, two stalls are settled in a somewhat cleared field. You decide to follow the sparse stone path to the right, glancing around at all the paint splatters coating the grass and padded platform of the booth. A couple of birdies pass by you to head off to other stalls, wiping their hands off on some towels provided at the booth. From the other game, a pink haired birdie runs over and pulls on a paint covered smock, reaching over to the tik-tak-toe board and flipping the whole thing over to its otherside. She grins and does a little hop and pose, wings a flutter.


"Heyya!! Welcome to Tik-Tak-Toe! If you aren't playing, please stay back from the platform whilst players start their game." She settles on both feet and gestures to the table behind her. "The low table has available paint buckets to pick through as your color of choice! Its 25 marbles per game, so have fun! And, please, don't eat the paint. It's not tasty."


How to Play: Members must either draw or write about either an NPC or their created Birdie playing paint-splatter tic-tac-toe with the stallrunner.

Cost: 25 Glass Marbles

1) All drawing entries must be at least a flatcoloured halfbody with a simple background.
2) All writing entries must be at least 300 words.
3) All Birdies used must be on the Masterlist.

1) Must be listed on the Inventory in order to participate, but members do not need to already own a Birdie.
2) Characters used must be from the species.
3) Must reply to the correct pinned comment in order to interact and receive a prize.
4) Only operable twice per player.
5) In-character interactions will be met with in-character replies from the booth manager.