World Lore

Mothlings world


s Mothlings are a part of the Earth.
Earth gives us the ability to live, to live forever, and even if we want to ignore it, we can’t ignore the Earth.


Mothlings are a species on Earth that have a strong relationship with nature, and strive to protect and nurture it. They use their magic to help nature, and to allow chosen humans to see them.

Alongside fairies, they create seeds for trees, flowers and plants of all sorts, and they plant them when no one is looking.

Some humans co-exist with mothlings, but like fairies, only people who believe in them or people who the mothlings have allowed to see them will see them. They are invisible to all other humans.

They live in flower bulb houses, and are usually about as big as a tulip flower! :0

Mothlings live longer than fairies- mothlings live forever, unless they become corrupt...

ac finibus eros.  

important terms & definitions
3/14/2022  species world n server made   
 status active
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magic system

Describe a little bit about how the magic system in this world works. just a quick overview blurb, really. you can also delete this section entirely if you don't need it.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.

social classes/government

Describe a little bit about how the social classes/government in this world works. just a quick overview blurb, really. you can also delete this section entirely if you don't need it.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros. Duis placerat velit vitae massa sodales, eget mattis nibh pellentesque.


write a little bit of info about the deity here. a few lines would look best though.


write a little bit of info about the deity here. a few lines would look best though.


write a little bit of info about the deity here. a few lines would look best though.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum interdum erat eu pretium lacinia. Donec id tortor ut metus condimentum blandit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Sed id fringilla risus, at hendrerit velit. Aliquam auctor justo id lacus pulvinar, id congue mi tristique. Ut at vulputate libero. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris sed tortor ligula. Proin imperdiet luctus consequat.

Morbi nec sodales tortor. Aliquam id quam risus. Phasellus ante ante, interdum ac porta sed, sagittis quis turpis. Fusce efficitur diam nunc, ac tincidunt nulla maximus ut. Quisque malesuada metus tempor malesuada mollis. Vestibulum convallis nisi eget ante sagittis egestas. Nullam leo urna, lobortis eu metus et, ullamcorper gravida ante. Aenean volutpat, nisi at lobortis lacinia, ipsum ipsum efficitur nisl, nec ultricies nisi sapien nec mauris. Etiam metus dolor, gravida et tincidunt quis, tristique nec mauris. Integer vel diam tincidunt est mollis semper. Vestibulum venenatis malesuada lacus, ac finibus nulla euismod at. Curabitur ac risus quis ante commodo consectetur id ac nulla.


A solarpunk earth

Illustration3tt-1.pngTHE MOTHLING WORLD

Mothlings are a small, fairy-like people that live in a solarpunk-themed Earthlike world, alongside other fantasy races, including elves, kitsunes and pixies.
They have a strong connection with nature, and can use magic to grow plants, trees and bushes of all kinds. This connection with nature allows mothlings to live indefinitely, possibly forever!

Humans live there to, but seperate from the fantasy races- the only ones who can even see them are those who believe in them, and most humans don't. To them, the lands that the other races live in are deserted forests and wastelands, instead of the vibrant towns, villages and camps that are truly there. Although, mothling houses are still hard to find for the humans that can see them- they live in hollowed-out flower bulbs, and mothlings themselves are only as big as a tulip flower! :0

Once, all races lived together in one land, but one magically powerful mothling wasn't content with the power they had gained. They needed more. Their quest for power slowly corrupted them, more and more, until they resembled nothing of their original self. They were the first, and the most powerful, of all of the corrupted mothlings.
But even as their desire for magic grew, they still remembered who they had been. The magic power corrupted them, but they still fought back, trying to keep a hold of their true, kind personality.
Finally, they were unable to control the immense power they had gained, and in one final blast of magic, they razed an entire city, destroying all of their magic power in the process. Even to this day, that city still dampens any creature's magic, meaning that corrupt mothlings flock to it to keep some sense of their former selves, even as their magic makes them less "human". 

But what exactly are corrupt mothlings?, you ask. Turn to the next tab, and find out...



 Corrrupt mothlings don't live forever like normal mothlings, and they can die very easily. They gain immense power but at the cost of their immortality.
A corrupt mothling can be recognised by different features, such as differently shaped tails and wings, and always by the fact that the gem on their body will be dark-coloured and tainted by dark magic.

More and more powerful magic gets stored inside the corrupt mothling until they cannot deal with it and go berserk. If the magic isn't controlled (such as by living in the ruined magic-dampening city), they can easily die to it, potentially causing large amounts of damage along the way.

Mothlings are viewed as weaker by other species due to having that lack of control over magic power that stops other species from becoming corrupted. (It's not truly their fault, though- they have a strong connection to nature, but also to magic itself to be able to use natural magic to the fullest).
While mothlings were originally shunned from the wider society after the city was destroyed, they have done their best to help build the new and improved society for the fantastical species, and uncorrupted mothlings are generally viewed the same as any other being these days.

Corrupt mothlings, on the other hand, are still shunned- everyone else tries to keep out of their way in case a dangerous situation occurs.
However, there is hope for corrupted mothlings to return to their normal selves...While it is accepted by most that once corrupted, a mothling will stay that way, a few believe in the Fountain of Purity, a mythical fountain whose waters can cleanse corruption and power-hunger from the minds of corrupted mothlings. Very little is known about this, though.

Gemstones & ORBS


Every mothling has a gemstone somewhere on their body, as a physical manifestation of their soul and magic.

This can appear as a physical jewel embedded in their body, or a jewel on a piercing they have.

Gemstones keep their magic pure, so they don't become corrupted, but as soon as a gemstone becomes corrupted, they no longer are able to use magic for good.
It takes away their sanity, making them go mad with power and seek to gain power by any means, even if it destroys everything and everyone around them.

While uncorrupt gemstones are pastel colours, corrupt gemstones are darker, usually dark shades of grey, red or purple.


Floating glass orbs with flowers inside are an optional trait for your mothling.

The glass orbs, represent their sanity and level of corruption, like gemstones.

If the flowers are nontoxic such as daisies, lavender, lilac, then that means your mothling's magic is pure.

If the orb is filled with wilted or poisonous flowers then your mothling magic is corrupted, or close to becoming so.

they can be floating above the tail/around the tail or wings

Whether you want to add orbs is up to you, but a gemstone or marking is a must!

If the orbs are seen around the species, it means they are comfortable enough to let you see their state of magic.

If they aren't out, and you choose not to have them, then it means they are confident enough to not need them.