World Information

Aurbeetles live in a world that goes by the name Kaazin. It's a planet much like Earth, but thousands of lightyears away. Animals of similar nature roam freely; beefy bison-like mammalians are abundant amongst the vast plains of the main continent, Myrv't. There are three continents on Kaazin, and aurbeetle can currently only be found among two!


A vast desert; very little foliage and wildlife. Larger-sized limbless reptiles similar in nature to the bush viper, and creatures similar to the sable antelope, roam in large packs. Water is scarce and rain occurs once every year. Sand storms are plentiful, and at the farthest edge of the right side of the continent lies a (presently) dormant volcano. Aurbeetle that have adapted here have adapted to have much more reptilian features, often sporting thick expandable hoods & spikes (like that of the Thorny Devil) on their backsides and tails.


A broad land of green, grassy plains and dense forestry made of tall trees. Creatures, large and small, roam this land; the dominant species are canines with equine anatomy; long snouts and muscled bodies like a draft horse, but short fur and long teeth designed for meat-eating. Aurbeetles that have adapted here have the base features for an aurbeetle, as this is the continent where they originate!


Nevidia is the smallest of the three, though the most brutal for the aurbeetles. It's an icy sheet on the ocean surface and extend right to the bottom. There's little to no foliage; some plants have adapted to the cold weather & climate, sporting sharp icicle-esque features, and others almost to be mistaken as large crystals. Claimed by the intellectually advanced and aggressive wildlife on it, no aurbeetle has lived to tell their tale--if they were lucky enough to make it at all.

On all three continents are what're referred to as "subregions". These subregions are small inhabited and configured areas the aurbeetle have discovered and created throughout their history. There will eventually be an in-depth map so users can get a better visual on these things!