Spiney's's Bulletins

Pine tree spiney refs!

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Alls

RAHSHSGH So sorry for the wait guys!!


So pine tree spineys are spineys that only come around winter, they are like normal spineys but they usually have cold colors and are always very fluffy!

im gonna try and make spineys more traitless so people can be more creative but heres a few traits:

common: big poofy tails! pointy legs/feet dot eyes, normal eyes

Uncommon: antlers, more neutral colors (still cant be warm colors) liquid tail (bright blue or purple) star ears! (or a star on their head like a Christmas tree)

rare traits: Sail glowing parts/eyes, liquid tail (any color except red) multiple eyes, forked tounge 

L1ttleL34f Sadalotl Roplixoodius

Pine tree spiney raffle winners!

Posted 1 year, 7 months ago by Alls

AAAGHSGSH so sorry for the wait guys but here are the winners!

1st place- L1ttleL34f you will get a pine tree spiney custom (made by me) with 2 rare traits (of your choice) (or it could be an MYO, your choice)

2nd place- @Roplixxodius you will get an uncommon pine tree spiney MYO

3rd place Sadalotl you will get a common pine tree spiney MYO

I'll be posting the pine tree spiney ref soon! please dont use your MYO until then just so you dont make a buncha mistakes 'n stuff!

Update to the pine tree spiney event!

Posted 1 year, 8 months ago by Alls

(An update to This raffle!)

the raffle is officially closed! anyone who said they would make art but did not will not get the extra entries for making art!

once I get some payments done I will post the winners and stuff!

Pine tree spiney event!(CLOSED)

Posted 1 year, 9 months ago by Alls

So, every winter pine tree spiney's come around and they leave once winter is over (Unless you snag one of your own)!

I will be making a pine tree spiney ref sheet but for now I will be hosting a raffle to get one of your own.

If you enter you can get:

1st place- A pine tree spiney custom (made by me) with 2 rare traits (of your choice)

2nd place- an uncommon pine tree spiney MYO

3rd place- a common pine tree spiney MYO

How to enter:

Share this event and the spiney world In a bulletin

Tell me what you would think would be a cool trait for pine tree spineys!

How to get extra entries:

Ping a friend: +2 for each friend

draw Crackle and/or Thread +5 for each drawing

Share your pine tree spineys (if you have any) +1

Please comment everything that you did!!!

Event will end a bit after christmas!