

DIG-ETS were created by A0Z0RA & Yukkibear Dig-ets are demons made out of both flesh and metal. They were created in a matrix void when the first electrical appliances disasters first started. They took off from these disasters, feeding off negative energy and the souls/flesh who died from machinery fatalities. Only moving in hidden sight not visible to the human naked eye. Unless they choose to show themselves.

DIG-ETS are a closed species of cyber demon that hide in your electronics. Nobody should create a DIG-ET without admin permission.


Current Event

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In vitae vulputate neque. Phasellus egestas neque neque, id sagittis sapien commodo quis. Curabitur ut sagittis sapien, quis eleifend augue. Donec eu quam diam. Ut tellus lorem, vehicula sit amet ligula non, facilisis varius nulla. Sed lobortis quam efficitur arcu rutrum gravida. Suspendisse iaculis fermentum elit sit amet volutpat. Suspendisse malesuada mollis varius. Nullam orci arcu, molestie a tortor eget, pretium facilisis arcu.



UPDATE 12/15/2022
I apologize for the inactivity of this species. Both admins have been fairly busy with real life and I’m currently in and out of my mental state constantly. As of ** Dec 15th** DIG-ETS will for now be a closed species to the public! This is because new members will now only be able to make a DIG-ET by buying traits, buying adopts or participating in MYO events. But for previous or current DIG-ET owners this still means that Common and Uncommon traits are available for free still. I would love to do more with these species so I'd love to hear some of your ideas in #ideas-and-feedback. If you wish to do fusion adopts please ask and I will try and set something up!

Banking system & Funds | Due to being in and out of activity, I will be setting everyone’s bank account to the same amount of the highest funds on the list previously. You can earn more funds or Zems by participating in MYO events. Since I’m on break I’ll be taking my time to be going over active members accounts and give them the appropriate set on the new list. Here’s the link to view your bank. Do note I’m transferring things over from one document to another. Please comment if you are still a current member.

ANOTHER MYO EVENT ON THE WAY! Members are able to create a new DIG-ET using only Common, Uncommon, and ONE LEGENDARY trait from AUG 4th to AUG 28th this month. Completing your MYO for this event will give you 5 Power Zems. You can find the following traits in the trait channel and the DIG-ETS website. But there’s a second option to this event users can choose from… You can refuse to make a myo for this current event and instead take 20 Power Zems into your personal account. This being a headstart in buying a trait upgrades.

Good evening/morning/ high noon Programs !! Holding 2nd MYO event with given new traits to use in species-info. Users are allowed to make ONE MYO using RARE traits! Helpful to share the news! First MYO users will of course receive their first batch of 300 Cookies in their cookie bank. Completed MYO a please submit to myo-submissions to be checked by admin and don't hesitate to ask questions in QA-ask!


Dig-ets were discovered in the 2000s by humans thanks to the improvement of technology. First sightings of them were caught on new age digital cameras of Dig-ets tampering with electronics. This caused fatal machinery malfunction in a factory moments later.

Over the years as humanities technology has changed and improved, Dig-ets have changed and improved. Including new species kinda have shown up over the years leaving up to 4 in total now. PR0-PALS, FIR3-DR0NES, TUN3-BITES, and MAL-MITES. From what we know there are no types of hybrids… They now live in a cyber world in a large utopia city. Dig-ets purpose in life is to bring entertainment, annoyance, protection, and possible death to humans!

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