Lore and behavior

Lore: Flashbangs were created in a top secret lab. They were designed to be weaponized creatures that listen to commands. Instead they created a loud obnoxious creature that enjoys human companionship.

     Now Flashbangs have been bred and modified to become pets. Flashbangs can be adopted at your local creature pet store. You can also buy Flashbang eggs from breeders or steal one from a nest. 

Age: Flashbangs age just like dogs and cats! 1 Flashbang year is equal to 7 human years. Baby/young Flashbangs are called pips. Teens are called Pippets. And adults are just called adults. The oldest members of the pack are the alphas

Behavior/society: Flashbangs live in small packs of 5-9. Each pack has an alpha male and female. The alphas are the oldest members of the pack. Only the alphas breed. Most of the rest of the pack are their offspring. Flash bangs protect their territory as a pack.

     Flashbangs are typically loud and exciting. They almost always have lots of energy to burn. If taken care of, flashbangs will view their owners as alphas or members of their pack. Other pets and children may be scared of Flashbangs loudness. Small children should not be around Flashbangs unless they are trained. It’s advised to get at least 2 Flashbangs so they aren’t lonely. Dogs make great companions for Flashbangs 

Flashbangs lay eggs in nests but the nests are not supervised. It’s quite easy to snatch one if your sneaky enough to avoid the Alpha female.