


Looking for help/co-creators!




Warrior Cats






And other battle cat stuff...

"A new era for HonorClan has begun!"

What is this Roleplay about?

The Chapters of Clans is a Warrior Cats RP about developing an entire planet full of battle cat Clans with some basis of the Warrior Cats universe by Erin Hunter. The objective is to let Clans seperate and prosper as cultures develop overtime and change to evolve. Some Clans may fall, others may rise and overtake, but the world will continue moving. The idea is to start with one Clan, and as it develops it can branch out into seperate Clans later on.

HonorClan is going to be our first Clan to start with this project. While I have made OCs for this Clan in the past, I want to create something that will be completely different and seperate from that, in otherwords, this HonorClan lays on a completely different canon entirely than the HonorClan in my Toyhouse. The only things I am keeping about this Clan in this RP is the name.

"A plague overtakes the forgotten and the extinction of stars is coming."

We begin our story with HonorClan, for a long time, the Clan has only recorded and remembered cats of high position and legends. However, a strange occurance is brewing in HonorClans afterlife, StarClan, the spirital ancestors HonorClan is experiencing a massive disappearing event of forgotten warriors. Now it is up to the living to protect their ancestors from disappearing for good! But a group of cats believe that this is just the natural motion of death, will this seperation of beliefs cause a tear through a Clan?


Ancient World - Aleksey Chistilin

Key song lyrics or another quote goes here



Cras enim ex, suscipit in quam at, semper pulvinar sem. Sed consectetur ultrices neque, ut tempor lectus efficitur molestie.


Vivamus a gravida metus, ut tincidunt mi. Nullam sagittis nibh eros, viverra sagittis justo dictum eu.


Cras sed urna vel urna dictum lacinia a vel mauris. Quisque aliquet malesuada orci, sed consequat orci tempus eu.


Donec mattis odio in urna commodo, quis interdum lorem congue.


HonorClan Camp

After passing through the bramble-protected walls your nose is greeted by the scent of HonorClan cats. There seems to be a sparring session going on right now...

Location Name

Vivamus a gravida metus, ut tincidunt mi. Nullam sagittis nibh eros, viverra sagittis justo dictum eu.

Location Name

Cras sed urna vel urna dictum lacinia a vel mauris. Quisque aliquet malesuada orci, sed consequat orci tempus eu.

Code by AviCode