
There are 9 gods that the Octowings worship. 

Calyp - the divine creator

Ito - Goddess of intelligence and Beauty

Uta - Goddess of war and strength

Shona - Goddess of prosperity 

Latis - God of exploration 

Smoon - Goddess of the hearth/home

Qurri - God of community(being together and helping each other)

Shoū - God of nature and the world

Circa - Goddess of benevolence and generosity

Calyp was born the most powerful animus any dragon had ever seen. It's chest glowed with pure magic when it hatched, and it only grew as Calyp aged. When it became 7 years old, a fresh adult, Calyp's power attracted a very old god. It's name was Unuli, and they were dying. It begged for Calyp to inherit it's power and begin the world again, for it's lovers had been killed by the phyyrian dragons as they sought power and fame. 

Calyp did not immediately accept, scared of such responsibility. It asked for a year to decide, and Unuli accepted. In that time Calyp roamed the world and discovered the poisonous evil that had sapped the life out of Phyyria, and out of Pantala. On the winter solstice Calyp returned to Unuli's shrine and accepted their offer.Once Calyp had become a god, it offered refuge to the dragons most pained by the wars and greed, but most refused. Those that did however flew to pantala with Calyp and into the great sinkhole. There, Calyp created a portal that lead to its ideal world, one completely underwater. He reverted the dragons back into their egg state and carried them through the portal, which then became known as "The Shrine of Calyp"

Calyp infused the eggs with it's magic, reinventing the way they looked and how they lived. He used his incredible powers to create a vast, sprawling kingdom and filled the oceans with fish, coral, seaweed, anything he could think of that would inhabit this planet.

When he had finished his work, the dragons who had followed him were birthed again into the peaceful kingdom, which lived half in a coral shallow, and half in a deep trench. He called them "octomares" since he had taken inspiration from octopi and squid to recreate the dragons, and that small group of five became the first of a new civilization. Calyp crowned Ito the first queen, she reigned from the ice'wing kingdom, and she was a pillar of beauty and knowledge. Her sister, Uta, however was born a night'wing and despised Ito. She believe she should have worn the crown for her power and strategic prowess. 

To satiate both sisters desire to rule, it allowed both to rule over its kingdom. Like yin and yang, the sisters were the perfect rulers. They balanced eachother out. 

When time came, they both bred and spawned Latis and Shona, respectively. Latis and Shona were meant to be the next rulers, yet Latis did not want to rule. He wanted freedom to explore the uncharted planet, for he was born from a reborn sky'wing named Shale. So Latis fled, leaving Shona to rule her kingdom alone. Shona sought out Calyp, who had disappeared to find its place among the stars, and begged him to grant her a partner. He agreed, and created Qurri from the salt bonded to the ocean waves. They ruled together in harmony, eventually spawning Shoū 

Latis, after mapping the world and becoming the great charter, also sought out for a lover. When he returned to the Shrine's city, the other eight dragons who had joined Calyp had spawned, and their young had spawned, and the city became rich and full of diversity. Latis found Smoon, a mutated dragoness born from a struggling family, and made her his wife. Together they lived happily while traveling the great sea, and eventually spawned Circa

Soon, after Ito and Uta had since ascended to the great pond, Calyp made them goddesses. And once their children had died, they begged Calyp to let them join, which it lovingly did. Calyp also brought Smoon and Qurri to become god's, and after that Circa and Shoū

Circa and Shoū did not have any children, therefore the gods lineage stops there, but with a great pantheon of 9 gods and goddesses Calyp deemed it did not need more help

calyp allowed the world to grow without its influence, causing new species to evolve (and even octomares to evolve into new subspecies themselves!). there is a whole continent unknown to explorers now, but maybe not unknown for long.


Octomares span across their whole known ocean, even down in the deeps. They know not of the nomadic freshwater subspecies, only of their blind deep-sea cousins.
All major cities have a member of the royal family running it, often a prince and their spouse. The capitol city is run by the king and queen, with their youngest in line to inherit their estate. smaller towns and provinces are run by less direct family members, and act more as a mayor; like an aunt or an uncle or a cousin. 

Royal Family

King - 

Queen - 

Princesses -

Princes -


Royal Birthdays

Shell Festival

Shell festival falls on March 1st. It’s a day where

Octowings come and eat oysters and other types of seawater foods. 

Deus Day

Deus day falls on January 1st. Octowings give gifts to their gods and exchange wishes and prayers. There’s often a lot of free food.

Octowings don’t have a map, due to their kingdom being underwater. They have a large palace where the royal family stays. Octowings have two sections they split into. Saltwater and Freshwater

There’s no difference between them except the gods they worship

Octowings live in small blue barnacle shaped rocks that are on the side of abyss walls. They are very big and can hold around three Octowings. Once Octowings reach the age of 2, they live in their own pod.


Octowings have certain stories that they have passed down from generations, 

Tentacle Witch

This story is told to young Octowings that swim into dark waters. They are told the tentacle witch lives deep below in the waters and eats young Octowings who wander too close to her home

The Afterlife

Octowings believe that after they die, they go to a pool in the sky where they can talk with loved ones.  Death is seen as a good thing, but only if you wait for your time to go


Since Octowings live underwater, they mostly have water based jobs. 

(Think warrior cats but underwater)

Examples of Jobs

Pearl Diver


Food Gatherer 





Octowings can wear any accessories, but usually they wear ocean themed things. Such as Pearls, Kelp, ect. 

A lot of Octowings also like to wear silver armor.

Octowings like to keep octopi and squids as pets, however any pet can be kept. Octowings view octopi and squids as gifts from the gods.