


6 years, 10 months ago


Clarence Knightley
Bisexual Ace
Stardragon (Starshooter)
Famous Author


Arrogant • Confident • Soft • Oblivious • Well-mannered

Clarence Knightley. Bestselling author and part time hunter, a Shooter of a prestigous family, with his great, great, great grandfather having had ties to the Overlord of a long lost dynasty. Famous for such works as Hylcinth: Herald or Hag? and even fiction works such as Legend of the Stars, Clarence occupies a position in Shooter society that many hope to have. Unbeknownst to the masses, however, Clarence leads a double life. Only inside the safety of his private home does he let his deepest, and darkest of secrets go. See, Clarence Knightley worships the dragon gods of old - particularly Hylcinth. Along with his fluency in draconic, Clarence always teeters on the edge of the life or death of his reputation.


  • writing & reading fiction
  • mythology
  • expensive sweets
  • animals


  • messiness
  • being a hunter
  • salty foods
  • heat
"I'll have you know I uphold my reputation with quite a bit of pride. I'm not a famous author and heir to the Knightley title for nothing, you know!"


Regarding his family, the Knightleys are an upperclass shooter family with ancient ties to a past dynasty, and every single one of them have been Hunters. Fairly rich. Clarence was the only child. His father may have been a playboy with some other Stardragons in his youth, however. The crest Clarence wears on the back of his clothes is the Knightley family crest.

Fun Facts About His Novels:

He targets a typically younger audience, since his ideas tend to appeal to the younger Shooter population. Other Stardragons may read it too, however. His nonfiction series may lead to biased conclusions, but involve genuine research, while his fiction series includes both Shooters and other Stardragons alike.

Clarence has a nonfiction series investigating the Stardragon Gods as listed:

Hylcinth: Herald or Hag?

Helgin: Hero or Harpy?

Raziel: Ruler or Ravager?

More are in the progress. Because of the stigma in Shooter society they always conclude with the Gods being (basically) terrible people, though he did do his research with very indepth analyses, hence popularizing the book in other regions. His upcoming novel, Basut: Belligerent or Beloved? is rumored to come to a different, but shocking conclusion, however. Unknown to others, Clarence has a genuine interest in mythology associated around the Gods mainly due to his beliefs.

He has also began work on an adventure series called Legend of the Stars, about a Scorned Starshooter named Legend who goes on a journey across Jo'arca after a prophetic dream sent by Basut, while scorned by most of their kin. It involves a fair amount of romance. In particular, young Shooters tend to have shipping wars with young Dashers in regards to whether Legend should get together with the supporting Shooter or Dasher character respectively.


Here's a traits list for Starshooters, if it comes in handy!


• Though he believes in the dragon gods - Hylcinth in particular, Clarence retains the asshole qualities like the rest of his race. He can be conceited, brash, and most of all proud, which is why he has trouble communicating with other Stardragons and thus finding others that understand his beliefs - his personality, as well as his race, can set others at unease.

• Regarding his hunter duties, Clarence attempts to show mercy to the most of his ability. He has freed a fair number of Stardragon children - unknowingly to his colleagues - to prevent them from being enslaved. After each life he takes, he recites a prayer of Hylcinth when no one is around. (in addition to this, it is to be noted he is fluent in draconic.) He can't leave his part-time job as he must uphold the Hunter legacy of his family.

• He is very good at bullshitting words in writing. He uses this mainly for his nonfiction works to make it fit into the narrative of Shooter society.

• If you're wild enough to gain his trust, he will never go back on his word.




Partner in crime, and secretly his half sister. The crazy Stardasher who decided to run towards Starshooter territory and a near-death sentence and almost had him killed. He had disdain, at first -- who did she even think she was? But somehow, he feels like there's something else she's left unsaid. Finding this hunter who supposedly attacked her village should be interesting, at the very least, considering the crime-solving spree they're thrown themselves into. Unknownst to the both of them, Clarence's father is the same one who sired Celeste's mother, making them half-siblings.

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