Jonathan Donelly (Echo)



2 years, 3 months ago


male • siamese fighting fish/betta fish 


Jonathan would definitely like to have a reptile [and maybe even several] as a pet! But he isn’t allowed to have them. Mostly because his ma has a fear of reptiles so there is no way they’ll ever get one in the house. So one day, his father [Michael] got him a betta fish instead! Which sucks because “fishes are boring”. But despite that it wasn’t Jonathan’s ideal pet, he still does his best to care of it really well, ensuring this gourami a happy, bubbly life.

A fellow curious fish, Echo loves to explore around his surroundings. Sometimes he likes to play hide and seek with the other humans staring at him. Echo here's a smart lil' guy! Jonathan's pretty well-educated with betta fish care, he even managed to teach Echo a few tricks! Overtime, Jon grew fond of Echo as a pet. Reptiles are still cooler than fishes, but Echo is obviously an exception. Maybe one day he’ll get a pet tortoise or gecko or a phyton or all three of them, for now Echo will do just as fine :] 

 little notes:
  • Echo can also play soccer! He has a little net on the corner of the aquarium, and whenever the ball is inside he knows what to do
  • Loves brineshrimps! It's a tasty little treat :O
  • Enjoys new things, and rearrangements in the tank once in a while! Whether it’s a new plant or a new toy, Echo loves