Olinda Lover



3 years, 17 days ago


she/her, more to be coming! this profile is a wip :'D

  • Extroverted and very socialable! Loves hanging out and chatting with her friends.
  • Also probably seen as bold, especially in her modeling career. [works as a photo fashion model of some kind]
  • Romantic at heart, idk this one was inspired by the song "Hey Lover" 
  • Adaptable and flexible, she deals with sudden scheduel changes due to the nature of her job. She's often times a lot more resilient, and recovers easily. 
  • She's not the most imaginative person, however you might see more of her whimsical side when she's with her son. Yeah, her son's into roleplaying and stuff like that and she just forces herself to play along.
  • However, not the most patient, especially when dealing with others. Also not always the most considerate, and may not think through things or decisions at times.

  • Likes to keep her home neat and organized. She tries to keep it perhaps a little bit "plain", doesn't want to clutter it much with "all that special decor."
  • Loves icecream. Loves chocolate. Loves chcocolate icecream.
  • Lady has a fear of reptiles, that she will not stay any closer than 6 meters between her and any of these "scaly creatures". Deals with the fear anyway. Reptiles are her son's special interests, y'know. "Welp, parenting requires compromises."
  • Loves the beaches though! :]
  • Nah she hated school bro
  • Was married to Mike, before they had a divorce. Remarried/engaged[?] to Tyrell [writer's note: still trying to figure out what works best]. Really spiteful of her ex.
  • idk what i'm even trying to type, but she's giving on vibes of Friends to Lovers/Unavoidable from Melina KB [and her backstory is somewhat based on that]