Lisabeth Whitebelle [Izzy]



2 years, 10 months ago


 . ✧˖°

Lisabeth Willow Whitebelle
[also known as Izzy, Lisabeth]
gender: female [she/her]
age: 7 years old
birthdate: May 4th
place of residence: Sunny Day Farms
occupation: student, Eggnog Elementary

status: alive

     Izzy for short! A young little girl, that’s how simple it is. A lot of the Sunny Day Crew may be familliar with her perky character, often times bubbly around. She’s a girl full of playful and colourful energy, one can say!

     For a start, she’s is a very imaginative gal! Especially seen in her play, she loves coming up with all sorts of different stories, from pirates ships and astronaut missions to royal tea parties and colorful coral reefs. Besides that, she’s also very friendly, who would often invite others to join in her adventures. Izzy is a girl full of curiousity. It seems like she wants to know about everything! She’s often asking questions in a variety of topics, from bees and the sky to what's the meaning of life! Well one can say the girl often asks... unexpected questions. 

     Although, she can be rather inattentive at times. Being quite the day dreamer, Izzy is often easily distracted by her own thoughts, and may not be the best at listening to others. Some have said her imagination may be a bit bizarre, and not always being the best at words eithers, some find her confusing to follow. It may be why at times, she’s can be easily frustrated when others misunderstood her. She can be very forgetful too, often forgetting her belongings and just many things in general. Izzy may also be a bit too naive, sometimes almost getting herself to danger due to her curiousity. And even with her welcoming nature, she may not be the most flexible person around, a girl who needs things to go a certain way, most of the time. Unpredictability [that is to her at least] can be rather overwhelming, and tends to make her very upset. 

     But hey, even if she sometimes leaves others confuzzled, there’s no denying that she’s very affectionate! Especially when it’s to her family! She almost wants to do everything with them together! From playing her adventures to prepping meals and watching cartoons, she loves to have them by her side. Though what her family noticed is just how in touch she is to her loved one’s emotions. Izzy can to be quite aware when those she care about are upset. Though not only such, she’s a girl who often tries to cheer them up through her actions, which is often by inviting them to do activities together. She doesn’t like seeing her loved ones blue, so she often tries to do what she can to make them feel better, even if she doesn’t always understand why. It very much shows, she’s just a little gal who loves her family a whole lot. At the end of the day, she is just a little kid with a lot more left to learn.

  • Dilly is her dad and Marybella is her mom! Ahe also has an older brother, Creek!
  • [MEDICAL NOTE] She has albinism! And she also has amblyopia in one of her eyes, which is why one of them seem to always face outwards. She wears prescription glasses to help her with her vision problems. 
    • She also does wear a sunhat and sunglasses when she’s outside in the sun, yeah it's both to protect herself from getting sunburnt and because she's photosensitive.
  • Loves stickers a lot! She very much put stickers all across her room and belongings. Like, imagine if you just stick one whole sticker sheet on an item. Or maybe even a few! 
  • She loves watching cartoons! They’re one of her favorite things in the world, and she gets attached to cartoon characters easily. Sometimes they might even be comforting to her when she’s upset.
    • Enjoys watching them with her brother especially! They have similliar taste. 
  • Drawing’s a big hobby, she might even join drawing classes at some point! She loves coloring the most though, especially with crayons and oil pastels :]
    • She loves drawing animals most! Her art tends to be really colorful, it’s like she tries to fit the whole rainbow in each piece.
  • Rabbits are her favorite animals! She loves them and everything that has to do with them! She very much squeals in excitement at the sight of a bunny.
  • Izzy loses her stuff way too easily, that every single one of her belongings is labeled with her name basically. Her backpack, her jacket, even her pencils, almost everything. She has in fact, forgot to bring home her own jacket several times at this point.
  • She’s comes up with the most absurd, stories. For example, the history of how cement existed before the dinosaurs. Not quite sure how she came up with that.
    • [Writer’s note] This is a kindergarten confession from myself. I don’t know how I came up with that. 
  • When it comes to play, she’s often come up with a lot of rules and rather “strict” on them. Including things that can happen and cannot happen. Many would need to keep up and follow along if they want to keep playing with her. Which may be why some kids don’t really enjoy being with her much or vice versa.
  • But she does love playing with anyone that can keep with those! Mostly, she loves playing with her big brother the most! She’s typically the one that pick the roles for him though.
    • One of them is to have her brother be the ruler of Floria! It’s a kingdom full of flowers, ruled by no than Princess Creek of Floria! With Izzy as the body guard.
  • Sadly the kingdom of Floria may be an abandoned tale for now, as Izzy doesn’t seem to enjoy other things about flowers anymore. It seems she avoids gardening and almost all things about it. No one seems to know why.
  • Oh speaking of rules, Izzy often comes up with with… a bunch of them. Not even for games, but just day-to-day life in general. It’s seems she’s often associated the most random of things. Well, they tend to be temporarily, mostly.
    • Examples, one time she’s spinning around in circles thinking it’ll make her favorite cartoon show up, and another time tried avoided strawberry jam because that jam is “evil” [somehow].
    • We’ve tried convincing her that feeding Sparks the Pigeon won’t actually help him warn cars to drive safely, but she’s insistent.
  • Sometimes she does a little gasp as a way to say yes. Izzy being Izzy.
  • She really loves food that is simply rainbow colored. Yep, rainbow cakes, rainbow cookies, rainbow… everything. 
  • Earthworms are creepy. At least they are to Izzy. "I don't know. Why does mommy love them? I’m not sure I want to be eaten by the bunch of worms."
  • Terrified of roads, will freak out if you ever asked her to cross one. Asking her to get in a car isn’t any better either.
  • Despite such friendliness, she isn't very keen on people that have hurt her loved ones. She’s got quite a protective side, even if she doesn’t realizes it. “If you make him sad, I’ll... I’ll do something!! That's right! I'll... stop being friends with you!!" >:(
  • Loves swings! She loves how it feels honestly. Same go for spinning chairs, and she really love those office chairs with wheels.
  • Her parents were actually gonna name her “Elizabeth” at first, but then her mom find the name “too long and formal-fancy”. Hence, Lisabeth!
  • European-American.
  • Sometimes she goes back to analyze what she did wrong. She isn’t quite sure what happened nor why if happened, but she wants to do everything she can to not have it happen again. Maybe she wore the wrong color? Did she said something wrong? Either way, she thinks that if she keeps up on certain “rules”, she could prevent bad things from happening.
    • And then maybe, her dad and her brother wouldn’t die like her mom did.