
6 years, 10 months ago

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Blue Wolf




Unofficially: Turquoise- Has taken Night as his new mate


Dark, Primary, Cadet


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The ultimate Baddie back in the day, Midnight was responsible for 90% of all character deaths in my realm.



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Disclaimer: Keep in mind that this backstory is the product of a 13 year old me's imagination. It's going to be Edgy™ and rather cringe 

Midnight was born into the Blue Wolf Pack, where all these wolves had blue names. His father was Blizzard and his Mother was Sapphire, they weren't low-ranking, but they weren't exactly top tier either. 

The small family was out on an outing together when tragedy struck. A poacher was in the forest that day, and shot Blizzard and Sapphire dead. a brave young Midnight tried to face them, to have a bullet barely miss him, but nicking one of his "mysterious red cloth-like appendages" (which all males of this pack seemed to have). It was then the pack Alpha at the time, Pacific, who intervened- attacking the poachers and incapacitating them as he was larger than a normal wolf. He was taken to live along-side his alpha and his son, Cobalt, with anger and hate brewing up inside the young pup. 

Midnight and Cobalt used to be almost as close as brothers. They spent a lot of time exploring the territory together, and training to be efficient hunters. It was one faithful day that he and Cobalt stumbled upon a farm. Cobalt pleaded with Midnight not to go, but Midnight didn't see what was so wrong about "Shooting fish in a barrel" and tried to take down one of the calves in the pasture, who happened to be Stacy. She and another calf screamed, and alerted a bull to their aide.It was then that Cobalt stepped in and diplomatically tried to resolve the conflict. The bull recognized Cobalt, and acknowledged that he and his pack were respectable wolves, and let Midnight go with a warning. Midnight was furious with Cobalt, not understanding how he could act such a way towards prey. It was from this point on that the brotherly bond Midnight shared with Cobalt faded away. 

Fast forward to his adolescent years. Midnight was a cocky pup, so naturally when Pacific announced that Cobalt 

was to be the future pack alpha, Midnight thought he was better suited to be alpha than both of them, and foolishly challenged Pacific for the role of Alpha. Needless to say, he was horribly beaten in the fight, and Pacific managed to rip the other red fabric appendage with his teeth. Midnight was promptly banished from the pack after he showed no humility after losing the fight. He had no remorse as he left the pack and didn't looked back.

A few years later into adulthood, he would find Stacy again, and proceed to make her life hell. He constantly attacked her and her family, killing countless people, even after Stacy turned human and married. When her eldest daughter, Ebony was about 16, Midnight developed an interest in the brooding Wolf-like girl, and made a few advances towards her. She had been going through a dark phase in her life, so was more easily enticed to join him. before he could get what he wanted, Ebony's younger brother, Blonco, tried to stop her- ending up in a bloody battle between the two siblings. When Ebony came to her senses, she declined Midnight's advances, leaving him bitter and angry. 

He briefly returned to his pack to attract and woo a naive young she wolf named Turquoise, whom he insisted that they meet in secret, as he later told her he was a rouge, and to a young female like her, that was mysterious and attractive. It wasn't long before she bore him a single male pup He named Dark for his dark coat. Now that he had what he wanted, he quickly took Dark away from his mother, much to her protest, to raise him himself, desiring to teach him his deceitful ways. 


Nobody has seen or heard from Midnight in a long time. Some rumor that Midnight is dead, others rumor that he is just tired and wants to live out the rest of his life in peace.


Bonus Writing snippet from ten years ago: 

Midnight watched a black wolf longingly up in a tree. So full of grace, and an angry aura surrounded her like a storm cloud on a rainy day. He watched as she stormed through the woods. He couldn't stop thinking about how attractive she seemed to him. Anger and Power, now that was a girl that would get him running to her, But still he watched, a wuss to confrunt such a fine specimen. "How will I ever get her in my possession?" he muttered to himself, jumping from the tree once she was out of sight. Midnight paced the forest floor deep in thought. "Midnight? You there?" said a feminine voice from behind. Midnight turned his head to see another blue wolf with a smile on her face. "Yes, Salu, I'm here." Midnight said as he growled to himself. Salu cuddled up to Midnight with a sweet and innocent smile. "What do you want Salu?" he asked not sounding too pleased. "Nothing much, I just got passed Pacific to see you!" she smiled and put her paw on his. Midnight drew back his paw with a glare. No blue wolf was supposed to associate themselves with him under Pacific's law, being the mass killer he was. Pacific wanted to keep peace with the humans to an extent that no more hunters will come and put them in danger, although Pacific hated the humans with all his heart for killing his mate. Pacific wouldn't hesitate to kill a human if they trespass on his territory. "I'm busy right now Salu. I don't need any more distractions." Midnight said as he strolled by her. "Fine, I'll be back in a few days! ^^ I'll count the moments!" He watched as Salu walked off. She was such a naive pup.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.