
7 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info






Spanish Mustang






Phantom (from a breeding on DA) and Emily (named after the human he befriended in his past)


Captain of the Royal Guard / My spirit guide


The Realm of Azurel- Azurel Castle

Voice Headcanon

The Great Prince of The Forest (Bambi)

Creation date



Carrots/carrot cake, Time alone, Apples, Running against the wind


Being underestimated, being restrained, riding tack/horseshoes, having his mane/hair cut, People assuming they can ride him (that's usually a no)


Only TF, his Wife, his daughter, and Aki are able to ride Hero in his horse form. He is very picky about who he lets on his back, and will only allow others to ride him in an emergency situation (need to get somewhere fast). he's known as the fastest horse in Azurel, but no one knows for sure since he never raced against the fastest horses in Azurel on the track. He never boasts about it, and he's quite humble, claiming his son is indeed faster than he is.


Calm, collected, logical, and wise. He's very romantic, but not sappy or cheesy


My very first OC EVER. Hero was created when I was between 3 and 4 (1995/1996) and I didn't have the grasp on the concept of what an OC was. Basically whenever I found myself outside by myself and bored, I'd make up little stories for myself about a wild horse named Hero and his human friend, a little girl named Emily. Emily was the only one who Hero ever trusted, and the only girl who could ride him. People wanted to capture and tame him, but he always got away some how... but he would always return without fail when he heard shouts for help. He'd come by and save the day, earning his name "Hero"- like some sort of feral animal super hero. Hero had no special powers. he couldn't talk, he couldn't fly, he couldn't do anything out of the ordinary... but he saved countless people of this little unknown town and befriended a little girl. 

(Hero's Existance outside Azurel below)

Fast-forward to 2007 or so. Hero had been untouched in my mind for years. I knew he was there, and I have even told some friends about him, but it wasn't until then I started to bring him back. he began to show up in RPs with no changes to his character, except for the fact that Emily was never seen again, and he left the little town behind. he talked to the main character of the RP, only because he could understand animals. I began making art of Hero for the first time, since when I was 3 or 4, I couldn't draw horses, nor did I think about drawing him at all. I didn't have a concept of an OC, so I shrugged his idea off for a long time. During this time of art, people were calling Hero a "Spirit fan character" which annoyed me, since Hero was a character long before "Spirit" came out- (2002) long before I started school even. Yes he's a horse. Yes He has Dark points like Spirit. Yes, He's an untamed wild stallion with one human friend. But he's not Spirit. I can see why people would make that assumption, but he's not Spirit. Fast-forward to 2010/2011, I was getting more in-touch with my characters- this was the era where my characters began to "speak to me"- writing themselves, interacting and reacting to other people and other people's OCs. I enjoyed talking to my OCs in my mind- drawing comics about our conversations and RP events.It was at this time I began to call Hero my spirit guide. I was daydreaming one day, thinking about how cool it would be to be royalty, like a Disney princess. It was a frivolous and harmless daydream, as I had started working, and I was becoming more and more interested in a life of fantasy I could never achieve. It was then I heard Hero's voice in my head, "Why not?" Now, I wasn't sitting there speaking out-loud. I was having an internal conversation in my head with him. I explain that in this life, in this universe, I would never be a magical princess in a kingdom all my own. Again, he replied, "Why not?". Frustrated I had said to him "The world I live in isn't magical. I am not royalty. I cannot snap my fingers and have all my desires taken care of." there was silence in my head for a while before he spoke again, "Though this is true, I think you're forgetting something. Did you, or did you not create me? What about the others? Didn't you create them? In your living world, you may not be in control, but in your imagination, anything is possible. If you had the power to create us, then why wouldn't you have the power to create your own kingdom in your mind? A place to escape to when life gets you down?" it was in that moment, I realized that I can create my own world. A world where anything I wanted was possible. and so, The Realm of Azurel was born. This was not the last time he was a spirit guide to me. Hero never told me what I wanted to hear, but he told me the truth. I was dating a guy at the end of my Junior year of high school. He was a coworker of mine, and we hit it off almost instantly. I was in complete bliss. He was my first love, and I was head-over-heels for him. One day, after a date, I heard Hero's voice in my head- "I don't like him. I'm going to warn you now, he will dump you in three months." I told him to stop being such a prude, and that we will never part. this was the man I was sure I was going to marry... Three months pass... And this boy broke up with me- Over the phone- the day after Christmas. My heart was shattered. I didn't know what I did wrong, nor did he tell me what I did wrong, or why he broke up with me. he revealed he had been lying to me about something stupid (he was a pot-head, he lied to me about being one). I was a broken woman. Hero was right... But how did he know? From then on, I never doubted him. if I heard him say something to me, I took heed. Fast-Forward to five years ago. I had given him a human form he could switch to, especially since he met the love of his life, Jazz (A friend's OC). I met a guy online. we hit it off fantastic, but as I remember my ex, I was wary. about a year or two of our relationship goes by, and he visited me a few times. After one of his visits, as he was leaving to go home, I heard Hero's voice again, "I like this one. He is good for you." I shrug Hero off, and say back "I don't know, he'll probably dump me like the last one."... another year goes by... I suffer a great heartache as my cat I had for 18 years passed away. I was flung into a depression so deep, I shut myself out from the rest of the world at every opportunity. I had considered breaking up with my boyfriend, rehearsing it in my head "It's not you, it's me. I need some time to sort things out." I confided in my mom, who told me that I really shouldn't break up with him. She recognized that I was in pain over the loss of my cat, and my boyfriend shouldn't have to suffer because of my depression. She advised that I take a trip with him, and I did. I saw what my mom meant. We had a long-distance relationship so it was easy for me to cast him aside- but when I was with him, he made me feel better. We stayed together. I was still in a deep depression, but the thought of breaking up with my boyfriend was now wiped away clean from my mind. Hero's voice came back to me "I told you, he's good for you."... a few months later, my boyfriend came up to visit me again. We were going to an Anime convention with some of my friends, getting a hotel room and everything. It was the day before travel, and he insisted we go out to eat at our favorite Japanese place. he insists that it's our 3 year anniversary, and that we should celebrate. As we walk up to the restaurant, he gave me one of those blind-boxes that had a Portal 2 figure inside, saying "Here! I got this for you! It's a Companion Cube!... but I made some modifications to it." I tell him he's sweet and we get into the restaurant. We sit down, and he asks me "Aren't you going to open it?" I give him a confused look and say to him, "You already told me what it is." and he replies, "but aren't you wondering what kind of modifications I made to it?" so I open it. The companion cube looks normal, only- it has a hinge on it. I open it to see a tiny diamond ring sitting inside the box. I look at him, and he's already next to me on one knee. "Brittany, Will you Marry me?" and Now I'm engaged to be married. Hero was Right AGAIN. I remember telling my Fiance about the whole story, and even he regards Hero as a supernatural force. "He is definitely your spirit guide. Only devine intervention would act in such a way."

Hero's Life in Azurel:

Hero is the Captian of the guard. He leads a small equine army, and a small police force that keeps the peace and upholds Azurel Law. For years, Hero was married to his work. Hero barely noticed anything outside his post, and regretfully wasn't a proper father to his first son, Phantom, whom he treated more like a small adult rather than a child.

Over time, Striker- an immature young stallion on his force- began to meddle in his affairs, and worked hard to fix him up with someone... Romantically. He had invited a girl from Namina, Jazz, to make a business deal with Azurel. She noticed Hero on her way to the castle for her meeting. She approached and said hello to him, but as Hero was a completely normal horse, and Jazz was a completely normal human, there was no real way for them to effectively communicate. Hero developed an interest in knowing this girl, so he asked for a human form. Once he could change forms, Hero's life changed. 

Hero spent more time than he planned to with Jazz. Being a baker, Jazz would often bring him baked goods during her visits. Hero enjoyed them, and looked forward to her visits, even though he wouldn't admit it in public. As time went on, Striker had asked Cupid, An angel of love, to give Hero a little... "push". After Hero heard of Striker's plans, he was furious.  As he began a stubborn tirade, Cupid took an opportunity to shoot Hero with one of her arrows. Then... it happened. Hero had asked Jazz on a date. they had a wonderful time together, and under the influence of Cupid's arrow, Hero kissed Jazz... and things began to escalate.

Hero and Jazz dated happily for a long time, and he did eventually ask her to marry him. During one visit, Striker boasted a little too loud, and revealed that their first kiss was under the spell of Cupid's arrow. This nearly ruined their relationship, as Jazz was under the impression that Hero's mind was altered into loving her. Hero, for the first time, feared to lose Jazz. He loved Jazz with all his heart. He had to explain to Jazz How Cupid's magic worked. If Hero didn't have feelings for Jazz, Cupid's arrow wouldn't have made him fall for her... Actually, Cupid's arrow amplified any feelings he was hiding away. He admitted that their first kiss may not have happened otherwise, but the desire had to have been there for him to act on it under the arrow's influence. The Arrow just removed he filters on his feelings for her. Jazz needed time to think about it, but eventually she understood what he told her. His marriage proposal happened well outside the influence of the arrow. The arrow just gave him a push to feelings that existed already.

The pair got married, and not long after they had a daughter. Jazz let Hero name her after an old deceased friend from long ago... Emily. Following Jazz's lead, Hero grew into a wonderful, loving father, and he doted on Emily endlessly. He made time to travel between the realms to make sure his little family was doing well, and to give his favorite girls in his life the attention they need. Hero continues to be a pillar of Azurel society, but his time is more divided now.