


6 years, 8 months ago


A demon originating from- where else?- Hell. Currently lives in the Shattered Vale, having grown disillusioned with the fire and death constantly surrounding him and his kin. He's the exact opposite of what you'd expect a demon to be like- friendly, open, and with almost no mischeivous tendencies. (Almost.) He's a buddy-buddy sweetheart, but is a bit naive and not the type who would stop to question the motivations of another person before treating them like a friend. This has gotten him into sticky situations and even gotten him hurt more than a few times, but he's just too blissfully cheerful for it to get him down. Hardly anyone has seen him looking genuinely sad, and he's the kind of social-butterfly type who's just completely immune to socially awkward moments. Nobody knows how he can hold a conversation with someone who's not visually interested for as long as he does without deflating, but his friends generally find it pretty impressive.

Of course, because he's so darned compassionate, he hates the idea of hurting people and will do everything in his power to avoid it. He never notices in the moment, but if someone tells him he's being too overbearing or clingy, he's absolutely crushed. Episodes of self-isolation have occurred with him a few times, and he hates feeling like it's his fault that somebody's upset. But what he hates even more is feeling like he can't do enough. If a friend of his is sad, he will do his damned best to try to comfort them, and if it doesn't work, it'll send his mood into a reeling tailspin very quickly.

He has a mutual crush on Lilith, but both of them are too shy and awkward around each other to admit it.