Dallas (Necromancer)



1 year, 9 months ago



Bring both your brethren and your children to be judged.

  • Unlike Dallas of the main universe, Necromancer does not care to hide away his negative traits or dwell on them. He is quite proud of his flaws, as they have helped him become one of the best necromancers the world has ever known. Dark magic comes with accepting your dark traits, and he has done just that, allowing the judgement to be the essence of his philosophy. Why contain it when it's so helpful?

  • Though necromancy itself was and is never really considered to be baneful, Dallas used it in a horrifying way that it became so. Bringing back the deceased and controlling them to betray their own loved ones is a wonderful way to dominate over those who wrong you. His curses are feared among many, as nobody knows who will be struck down into death themselves or who will have to face a lost beloved knocking on their door.

  • He is always seen in a cloak. It's said that the cloak protects him from return spells, or rebound effects. Nobody knows whether or not the cloak is actually a magical item or just a fashionable one. Either way, he hardly ever takes it off and often keeps the hood up, giving his eyes an illuminative, uneasy glow. The cloak is actually a bit of a spiritual parasite and those small moments when he's without it, he isn't as much of a proper dickhead.

  • His knowledge of the occult runs far and deep, into the pages of the Necronomicon and even into the various (hidden) books of King Solomon. Though he works primarily with the dead, he sometimes mentions Asmodeus. Some say he believes himself to BE Asmodeus, but there is no proof of that.

  • He is from a different time period than his source self is, and in this world (AU), things are far more complicated and olden than they are in modern time. The only things he actually shares with the Dallas from modern age are the cynicism, his (former) fear of death, the history of a medical path, and of course, the appearance.

  • Living out in a cabin in the woods, it's best not to go knocking on his door. Those who do usually find themselves at an end's point sometime soon~
    (this is all subject to change b/c im trying to figure out what i want LMFAOOOOO. if you interact with him in FGs and his personality is weird next week, just know its because im trying to settle)