


6 years, 8 months ago


SpeciesHuman (or not?)


Just a bird with memory problems & hella magic.

Recently recruited by [unnamed space program], as part of a project developing interstellar travel.  Struggles with it because she doesn't think humans deserve the ability to colonize other worlds.  But at the same time she definitely wants to go to another planet and see aliens & shit.

The cosmos calls to her.

Alternately: A being of the void between universes, not meant to be here, not meant to BE.  Got dragged into this world with Godkiller, unbeknownst to anyone.  The key to bridging the gap.  Wants to improve the world via creation vs godkiller's wanting to improve the world through destruction 

Personality & Outlook

A pessimist, believes humans are inherently bad and selfish creatures, and that any human who is kind/nice only does it because they don't have the power to get away with being horrible. Despite this she goes out of her way to help anyone who needs it, but who knows if it's to try and show people an example of what they could be or just spitefully rejecting her concept of  human nature in an attempt to distance herself from it.

Seems kind of naive in that she doesn't talk much/is pretty polite when she does and is always willing to help people. This coupled with her small size leads many to either feel protective of or underestimate her.  While she doesn't purposefully hide her true thoughts, she almost never expresses them if she's not directly asked.  

Has kind of a hard time functioning without someone telling her what to do. Despite her inclination to be a follower she aspires to leadership(if ur the boss....nobody has authority over you).

Has strong opinions about some things but for the most part is pretty neutral and unemotive. Prone to zoning out. Would describe the inside of her head as a foggy place, has a hard time focusing or holding on to thoughts and memories. Low energy presence.

Powers & Assets

Void Mage
Her casting philosophy is rooted in emptiness, or perhaps something she's forgotten? Casting instills a calm in her, 'to create nothing, you must feel nothing'. (aka using magic makes her dissociate p hard)

Is a potently-talented witch, does not remember where she learned to cast. She specializes in ripping/solidifying space for creation of barriers, portals, vacuums, etc

Bird Stuff
Can fly, and perch on narrow surfaces, and maul you with her toenails. You know, bird things.



Every Animal [friend]
Everybody get the fuck out of my way there's a pigeon outside my window and I need to stare at it for the next 10 minutes and psychically communicate my love to it.


Godkiller [parallel]
He's kind of her dad, in that he made her happen.  Neither of them are aware of each other.


Fog, textured glass. Feathers & scales & furs, whites & blues. A white & infinite abyss

Has to work around her anatomical differences, wears a lot of halter tops & things with very loose armholes(almost never has sleeves, just armwarmers). Drawstrings & elastic waistbands are her best friend.

Likes things similar to tradition japanese clothing, her outerwear tends to be short haori-type robes


• Zenith says Fuck the police

• Keeps a journal on her at all times and takes notes on anything she's supposed to be doing because her memory is shit.  I mean, if she remembers & doesn't lose it.

• Hates humans but LOVES ANIMALS. Nothing breaks her heart more than seeing a dog and not being allowed to pet it (just more proof humanity was a mistake)

• Literally just that player character who does all of the side quests and saves obsessively but never progresses in the actual storyline.

• Inspired by someone I was in a dream

• A clacker.  Tapping her nails/talons on hard surfaces is the #1 fidget activity

Q & A

Q: "You sure humans are all evil and horrible? I mean....have you ever taken the time to get close to someone and see the good in them? Is there really not a single person you've met that you can consider good?"

A: (IC) "I think...People can be kind, and they can be gentle, and they can be sympathetic." She says, barely above a murmur. "But more often than not, their intentions are more selfish than good. They act civil because they like the comforts of civilization, and if they didn't fear the repercussions of being rude or flippant or evil, they wouldn't bother. Those who have the power to disregard other people's feelings or lives without sacrificing their comfort are quick to do so."

"It isn't about believing any one individual is good. It's about human nature making the genuinely good ones the exception and not the rule."

Q: Are there any animals you dislike?

A: (IC)"I don't think I could dislike an animal specifically because of its appearance, or instinctual behavior, and very few animals are more than a combination of those two things."

Still, she ponders on possible exceptions, and a moment of silence later continues: "Perhaps things like elephants, or dolphins, or octopi.  Intellectually they are more like people, maybe.  They have a capacity for evil that is concerning.  Unpredictable."

Q: Any phobias or fears?

A: (OOC) Zenith fears Hippocracy.  The few things she has passionate opinions about, she is sure are correct.  But at the same time she knows that the self is fluid, and she tries to think on new information before making decisions, and in that subtle shift she is afraid of becoming something she hates.

To a lesser extent she fears a loss of autonomy/freedom, restriction of movement.  Claustrophobia, but doesn't have to be physically trapped.

Artist Notes