Sorata Domen



6 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Sorata Domen










"I want to do what I believe is right! ...I just don't know how."

Emotional, High-Strung,  Insecure, Uncertain, Naive, Determined, Uppity, Picky, Sweet, Modest, Caring 


Sorata is an overthinker and workaholic, always trying to keep himself busy, so that he have time to worry or doubt himself and what he knows. He has a knack for stressing himself out easily because he puts so much on his shoulders. He may be naive about the ways of thd world and people's intentions, despite being a cop; he knows there are awful things in this world, but he wants to believe in the good of people. He is very determined to become stronger for the people he loves and those who cant protect themselves, so that he can take care of them. He's a real people person, and people-pleaser. He doesn't want to ever be rude, but he is easily offended and defensive. 

Sorata was born to a American housewife and a Japanese police officer. He loves his family dearly. They were always caring, but they also expected a lot from him even as a young boy. Sorata was named after his father. He always wanted to be a policeman like his father. That pride was ingrained into him from an early age. 

His name proceeds him at the police station because of his father's reputation and strong ideals. Sometimes he worries that's the only reason he got in the force.  He wants to be an individual, but he also does not want to disappoint anyone either. Sorata is very by the book. He believes in order to inact justice, one must operate within the law.


  • Build: Muscular, big hips, big thighs, and big ass
  • Height: 5'10
  • Sorata wears an eyepatch in public because he doesn't like his scar. He can no longer see out of that eye.
  • Sorata bleached his own hair
  •  Loves Working out & Eating healthy/Cooking
  • Dog person
  • Favorite food: His mother's homemade curry
  • Loves the all holidays & summer
  • Fears: Being a disappoint & making yhe wrong choices
  • bilingual: Japanese and English
  • Birthday: July 20th
  • aesthetic board: 
  • "That's Domen's kid, isn't it? He'll be on top soon enough." - Officers around the station commonly say stuff like this
  • has good handwriting, spent too long trying to perfect it

NSFW Info below, 18+ only

  • cut, average length but girthy , dark dark pubes to contrast with his bleached hair on top
    • extremely inexperienced and shy about the whole thing (definitely struggles to admit his wants and desires, but feels them deeply)
  • He loves HANDS. Please put them everywhere. He loves to be felt up with large hands and loves to let his hands roam over and examine his lover's body.
  • His sensitive point is his thighs!! That's his weakness, exploit it! 
    • He might get worked up from touching his thighs alone
    • massage them
    • put your face in between them
      • but watch out, THEY ARE THICK AND MUSCULAR, and he has a tendency to clench up when excited
  • Dirty talk / degradation - He's SO weak to being talked down to whether it's slut shaming or personal attacks to his character, oops
  • Alternatively, he really does get off to PRAISE as well. he wants to be a good boy.
  • Did I mention he's got a BIG ass? SPANK IT 
  • Tends to have a thing for older, more mature men
  • Put your fingers in his mouth, and he will suck
  • Working up a sweat is really hot to him! Do your best! He's all for a good work out.
  • Overall, he wants loving sex and he's fairly vanilla, but he thinks he's rather kinky because he wants it ALL the time 
  • REALLY wants to be fucked up against a wall in someone's hold but fears that he's too heavy for that
  • OH? Did I mention BOTTOM? yeah, he's mostly a bottom, but is VERY eager to top as well. Just give him some time to learn. He's not very good at topping yet because he's only thinking about immediate gratification for himself in that moment. He's a much better bottom (even when he rides) 
  • Is easily embarrassed by sex, sexual things, etc
  • Spits more often because swallowing embarrasses him