Quincy (human)



5 years, 1 month ago


"I didn't ask to be born noble. I didn't ask to act like something I'm not."

prince kind too trusting genuine


Name | Quill S. De'Nuis Called | Quincy, Quinn, or other nicknames. Some people call him Quilcy to annoy him.
Age | About 17. Gender | Male
Height | 5'6 Sexuality | bi panromantic.
Origin | Quincy came from royalty. Born in a highly rated hospital. He was born on January 3rd. ( Capricorn ) Race | Human with bat features.
Alignment | Lawful Good Theme | Violet Mariner


  • cute things. aka button
  • music. usually classical.
  • nice views
  • a lot of normal things


  • paparazzi/fans/people who think he's a god
  • his crown
  • nightmare
  • terrifying things; aka button


  • him and button met up in a clothes shop
  • he likes to cuddle and watch movies
  • if you watch a scary movie with him expect him to whine like a puppy while cuddling
  • he has really good vision
  • his hair is normally dirty blonde but he dyed most of it a shade of lavender, and the rest - like the hairtips / hair curls, are the dirty blond color mixed with a bit of yellow

royals |


Quincy was born from royalty, but he also disliked royalty.

He acts like a stereotypical celebrity, royalty, or rich person when you aren't his friend or someone he cares to talk to, and he also may be more rude if he's under pressure or stress. But otherwise, he's nice, kind, outgoing, and loyal. He is indeed a prince, but he ran away from home when he was 12 for awhile to see what the world had for him because he was strictly told not to wander off EVER. This made him extremely curious, and he got aggitated whenever his parents didn't let him go. When he came back he was scolded and frowned upon. His mother and father told him not to wander off because they were scared for his safety, as his mother got a disease that made her unable to birth any children after Quincy. He hates his actual name, which is Quill, but he began calling himself Quincy after the age of 4. and his parents started doing it out of his habit.

He acts all royal and stereotypical royalty-ish when around people he doesn't care for/has no interest in talking to. This is because he is afraid of the public viewing him harshly if he were to act like his normal self. He likes to make a lot of jokes, and is always loyal, a family trait of his. He is actually quite the softie and trusts in people too quick, which is another reason why he told himself to act like he does, in fear of getting betrayed. He likes to wear shades and a long coat ( and sometimes a hat ) when he doesn't wish to be recognized.



[ boyfriend ]

Button is Quincy's overworked and overthinking boyfriend. That doesn't mean they don't have fun together though! Button and Quincy love to go to amusement parks every year, and it's their favorite place to go.


[ good friend ]

Him and Echo are pretty good friends. Echo is even trying to teach him how to play the piano! ( echo does not currently have a human form yet )


[ Guardian Angel ]

Quincy is one of Aeris' many people to guard, but overall, one of the most important people. She secretly told Button to go on that store on that particular day, just because she knew Quincy was going there, and she wanted Quincy to have more friends. ( aeris does not currently have a human form yet )
