Brand Sandoval (Youth)



1 year, 6 months ago


Specifically related to his main tab. Some details may also differ as I adjust his story. 

Brand was the third child in his family, following a brother and sister. His parents were magical antique merchants, which is how he got his grubby little toddler hands on the cursed book that kicked off the whole downhill spiral. He was dropped off at the monster hunter order when he was only 5 or 6, and he has very little, vague memory of his family or life before. He was raised with a number of other orphaned or abandoned children in a co-ed dormitory style situation. The order didn’t distinguish between boys and girls besides having separate dorms- when Brand was still quite young, he would start to confusedly ask why he couldn’t be in the boys dorm, as he was one. This was fine with his teachers, as long as it didn't effect his training. The melee teacher -and the closest thing to a mentor figure- Blake would help him pick his new name. 

Being a scrawny mage and much more hot-tempered back then, easy to get a rise out of, opened him up to getting picked on by the other kids. The most damming thing was when these kids overheard adults discussing Brand's demonic nature. The harassment in the boys dorm became too much for Brand, and he ended up moving into a closet and isolating himself as much as possible. 

Unfortunately it followed him out to the field as well. Once on a mission to exterminate a vampire den, some kids thought it would be funny to shove Brand down a tunnel just as the troupe was exiting, leaving him behind. It wasn't necessarily attempted murder, as they believed the den was cleared out, but a number of vampires returned and then blocked off the exit in the wake of the attack. He was trapped there for several days, only able to hide from the remaining vampires until he was finally able to escape. 

...Not that it's the worst thing he's seen in the field. These were dangerous situations, and Brand has seen classmates and teachers alike not make it out alive. 

When Brand was 16 when he finally left the order, and it was because of a terrible illness sweeping through the city. Brand decided that he could do more good by soothing some of the suffering out there. It was through this work he met Surya, who was also assisting with the sick.