Surya Asphodel



2 years, 7 months ago


terrible things are about to occur... but you will have me.

Surya Asphodel

[ About ]


A mysterious divinator who seems to be inexplicably involved in everything. Surya possesses the ability to see through time, from past to present to future. They also experience involuntary visions of future possibilities. The existence of possibilities must mean that fate is not set in stone however, and as the bearer of these visions Surya has privately taken on the responsibility of steering it towards a kinder future. Surya still believes in free will, and that the actions one takes can be meaningful. They only get one chance at this so it’s a heavy burden, and much more distressing than their cool expression would have you think.

Due to their OP abilities Surya is obligated to be mysterious and unreachable so as not to make the plot too convenient. Their current course of action is integrating themself in various courts and politicking as a mage advisor, wrapping people of power around their finger to influence from behind. Although Surya is generally well-intentioned, her bizarre and unexplained attempts to change fate can make her seem shady and unpredictable to others. Another aspect of their duty is travelling to the depths of the magical realms, areas beyond the reach of most mages, in search of answers or advantages.

Surya’s one respite from the constant stresses of her life is retreating to her private dimension. It would be easy enough for her to disappear, to leave the ungrateful public to their own fates… but she loves far too deeply to consider it. How could they just not care about humankind, after seeing their potential a thousand times over? However difficult it becomes, they find the potential to help and protect others worth the pain.

[ Personality ]


  • Crocodiles & toads
  • Street food
  • Maximalist decor


  • Cold
  • Large crowds
  • .


Surya is used to putting on airs as the refined and mysterious divinator they’re expected to be, and has trouble shaking the regal persona at times. They can be aloof and hard to get to know, having so many things they prefer to keep to themself, or attempting to keep a distance to spare themself the pain of knowing what terrible things will happen to the people they care about. But try as she might not to care Surya grows to love people quite easily, often acting as if she’s known someone forever- because hasn’t she?

In casual interactions Surya is humorous and flirtatious- but not quite charismatic, as they often seem distant and distracted, or say things they don’t even recognize as strange. Though they have some makings of a leader, they prefer to take a background role to maintain privacy. Although friendly, Surya is also introverted and enjoys having time and space to themself. She also has little issue omitting information that she thinks others would be better off not knowing, or lying to get their way. It's as if Surya is trying to play every side by herself. She can also get quite harsh with nobles who refute her advice, playing the worst case scenario card to scare them into cooperation.

[ Basics ]

GENDER Nonbinary
AGE Late 30s
Height 6'6"
SIGN Sagittarius
TAROT The Chariot

[ Story & Trivia ]

Surya comes from a poor and common background, raised oceanside by their father. He was a mage, and the one who first encouraged their own magical ability. Their upbringing wasn’t unpleasant, but there were still dangers. It was once while fleeing from such danger that Surya, in their panic, stepped into the magical realms for the first time. Young and unprepared, the strange magic of this dimension tore them apart, quite literally killing them. This is when Surya was found by the magical being that became their patron- placing a bit of itself inside them to save their life, but leaving them with new and confusing powers… and all the responsibility that came with it. Initially they used their new powers as a common roadside fortune teller, but when their legitimacy was discovered was when they were first brought into politics as an advisor.

Since the first disastrous attempt Surya became quite adept at traveling between realms, even developing her own private dimension.

  • Prefers 'dreamy' scents for lotions and perfumes, like sandalwood and nag champa.
  • Would have had a crocodile as a familiar, but couldn't smuggle one into their home country. They still volunteer occasionally at a crocodile reserve.
  • Surya's private dimension usually appears as a beach! But their dimensional gateway appears as a shallow marble pool with waterfalls flowing infintely over the sides.

[ Relationships ]



Initially approached as means of keeping an eye on him, but Surya has grown quite fond of him, wishing to help with his predicament. However there are yet many things they don't tell him, for his own good.



A noblewoman who Surya has worked alongside several times. Surya finds her refreshingly competent among politicians.



Surya is still in contact with their patron to this day. The mix of gratefulness and resentment is... complicated.