Tei Regas



8 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Tei Regas


Onii-chan (Annie); Sir Tei, Sir Regas (Cesyatha); Handsome Knight, Honey, Dear (Verona); That man (Not really lol); Fool, Idiot, Jerk (Lenora)




November 16




Silver with tint of blue









Andaeli Alliance






  • "I'm Tei Regas, a knight at your service."
  • “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”
  • “You aren’t so bad after all.”
  • “That’s what I’m talking about.”
  • “It's an honor and praise to hear such words.”
  • "It would be my pleasure to serve you, my lady."
  • "Not as sweet as you, sweetheart."
  • "Yes, my dear?"
  • "Dammit."
  • "Ah well, if you say so..."
  • "Kids, these days---"



+Outgoing, Playful, Confident, Loyal, Reliable, Charismatic, Compassionate, Friendly
+/- Stubborn, Competitive, Mysterious, Ambitious, Complex
-Reckless, Assertive, Impatient, Daring, Secretive, Strong Willed, Demanding








[Super Shortened version of his original story]

Tei comes from a family of Knights who serve the Andaeli Alliance and the Almighty King. However at a young age, the young boy did not wish to continue the legacy of the Dragon Knights and the Regas Honor, and instead he tried to rebel against his own family. The boy soon realized with the ongoing war between the Celestial Factions that those he loved have been affected and could inevitably be hurt as a result of this great struggle. Young Tei could do nothing about as he was young and rather powerless, unable to protect others. And thus the boy then decided that he couldn't sit around and ignore his loved ones being hurt and thus began to change. He began to train and become a Knight to be able to protect the ones he loves and continue to do so. However his goals of truly being able to protect the ones he loves is still yet unfilled, as long as wars wages in Asteria, his home will never be truly safe until the Fragment is found.



Data Share Availability: Not Available, Partnered with Verona Luxenburg


Sanctus Defension Scutum
User can summon dragons of light properties (such as fire, electricity, etc) in order to protect, defend, and fight against others.

  • Name of Ability ▶ Using Magic, a large dome like light spell will protect the user and anyone within its perimeter, negating or redirecting any attacks, increasing the user’s defense and other stats exponentially momentarily.  However the caster is immobilized while spell is casted, and a continual amount of magic and concentration is needed to maintain the shield.  User tends to get fatigued and/or slight dizziness after use of spell.
  • Name of Ability ▶ Surrounded by wall-like pillars of holy light, a magic circle will encircle and encompass the user, expanding in a large radius depending on magic input. Anyone or thing within it's perimeter will be protected. Only defense increases exponentially and can only negate attacks to protect those from harm. Caster is able to move freely in and out of the area and domain, however if severely injured and incapacitated to continue casting, the spell will cease. 
  • Name of Ability ▶ A large dragon of light will appear and shield the user with its wings. Can only protect a limited amount of people in an area or a specific target. The dragon is able to move freely about and defend an area or target. Increases in all stats exponentially. Caster needs large amount of willpower, defense, magic, and mana to maintain the dragon. User suffers damages that dragon receives if attack received is higher than user's stats and may suffer from massive blood lost, severe to life-threatening injuries, and may result in death. Even after the caster's death, the dragon of light will remain on the field for a limited time until all magic and mana is depleted or once it has completed its task.
  • Name of Ability ▶ A large dragon of light engulfs Tei as if eating his entire body before strengthing his strength as a buff and replenishing his health. This ability can be only used on Tei and only when half of his magic is available.
  • Name of Ability ▶ A dragon of elemental fire can be summon to aid the caster, which can be used to fight or defend Tei. The dragon can only be used for a limited time period of 30 minutes and must be resummoned
  • Name of Ability ▶ Multiple dragons of elemental electricty can be summon to aid the caster, which can be used to fight or defend Tei. The dragon can only be used for a limited time period of 5 minutes and must be resummoned
  • Name of Ability ▶ Description of your ability which is (1) ability's use, (2) appearance and (3) drawback/limitation (4) element. 
  • Name of Ability ▶ Description of your ability which is (1) ability's use, (2) appearance and (3) drawback/limitation (4) element. 
  • Name of Ability ▶ Description of your ability which is (1) ability's use, (2) appearance and (3) drawback/limitation (4) element. 
  • Name of Ability ▶ Description of your ability which is (1) ability's use, (2) appearance and (3) drawback/limitation (4) element. 
  • Name of Ability ▶ Description of your ability which is (1) ability's use, (2) appearance and (3) drawback/limitation (4) element. 

Synchronized Ability ▶ Description of your ability which is (1) ability's use, (2) appearance and (3) drawback/limitation (4) element. 



Weapon: Sword, Spear, Shield

Stats: 541

  • Health: 100

  • Magic: 100

  • Strength: 150

  • Defense: 141

  • Speed: 50


Battling Style:

Tei is a man who typically uses his strength over his intellect to fight enemies and tends to fight as a meat tank in order to win against his opponents.






Tei has lots of artwork where I'm too lazy to put up. Will put up later but most of it is here with Verona.