Tei Regas (Masquerade Ball - Masked Tei)



6 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info


Google Doc




It’s a sunny yet perfect day, you are wandering around enjoying the scenic view of a luscious garden with beautiful fragrant roses that are deeply red like a scarlet robin.  However as you are strolling along, a vine suddenly grows from the ground in front of you stopping you in your tracks… It rapidly grows to about your height and the end curls in an ornate manner… A rosy flower suddenly blossoms at the peak of the vine and it opens to reveal some kind of envelope.. What in the world...Is it for you?  You look around but only to realize you’re the only one in the garden, and it seems like it was just for you and take the envelope from the flower and notice a mysterious card inside.. It looks like an elegant invitation of some sort.


Letter: You are cordially invited to attend this prestigious, magnificent and exclusive Masquerade Ball.

We hope to see you there...

Hmm there is no name or mention of who sent this invitation to you, but to attend or not to attend, that is the question? Better make up your mind soon, it seems like the party’s almost here!

overlock_event_0001_by_rumbl3fish-d73v7tHostess: Oh my look, dear, the guests have arrived.

Host: Just in time I see… Well we warmly greet you all and are glad you could drop by and join us for our event. Hostess: We hope you all enjoy your stay while you here All was well during the ball, as guests mingled and had a great time as they explored the enchanted mansion that they were invited to attend in their formal dress and attire, donning masks that secured their identity and faces from one another..  Many met many friendly faces and danced along with each other under the starlit moonlight.

However it seems among the joyous yet formal occasion, something seemed wrong and out of the ordinary.  Some guests are more wary of this get-together, unable to enjoy the ball and themselves for that matter as it seemed they caught a glimpse of something undeniably horrid and faced something tragic before visiting the mansion. The death of the innocent creature have deterred these guests from further relishing in the fun moment of the gala, as their hearts are still trying to overcome the anguish and the lost of little Khadroman creature.  The other guests are oblivious to what is in store for them, anxious to find out what things could happen throughout the ball.


Host: Thank you for all coming to our ball and gracing us with your presence tonight.

Hostess: But before you leave, we must award the most beautiful individuals for taking part of this event…

Host: And of course the most stunning and most beautiful people here are…

Host&Hostess: Us-- *Laughter*

Finding out that the ball was only to gather the dwellers to only steal their youth and kill them all in one place along with the mansion, everyone teamed up and defeated the Host and Hostess… Though their dresses and clothing are in tatters due to the difficult battle, the beautiful night, sweet and fun dances, the fleeting romance in the air, and memories shared with one another will not be forgotten.