Ronald van den Berg



2 years, 3 months ago



Ronald "Ron/Ronnie" van den Berg, also known by his codename "Agent Saturn," is a 21-year-old individual who holds a strong value for freedom. Born on December 30 in The Netherlands to a Dutch father and a Serbian-Belgian mother, he is currently serving as an Infantry Captain in the fourth regiment led by Colonel James Zhang. Prior to his current role, Ronald graduated from Ranger School and joined the government's secret police.

Ronald holds a significant attachment to his two adoptive families, Artur and Anara, and demonstrates a strong sense of love and devotion towards them. In his role as an Infantry Captain, he was originally tasked with leading the Foxtrot Company, but the defense of their base was deemed a priority by the General, leading to Foxtrot Company being pulled to guard the base and Ronald being reassigned as the logistics officer for Colonel Zhang.

However, Ronald's role as an Infantry Captain is not without its complexities. In truth, he and Artur were both sent by the government as spies to monitor the activities within the fourth regiment. As a labor camp guard, Ronald has multiple responsibilities, including maintaining control over all political prisoners, obtaining information from them, and seeking out new political prisoners who pose a threat to the government.

The full story is here.68982293_Aal4JxgRMcmsaZX.png


Ronald is a physically fit individual, standing at 195 cm tall with a muscular build. This is a result of his regular physical training, gym routines, and his role as a Captain in the infantry company. He has short medium brown hair with a bang on the right side of his forehead and bright blue eyes. His skin is pale and resistant to sunburn. He sustained an injury several years prior that resulted in the loss of his right ring finger, but he has adjusted to it and remains ambidextrous as he is left-handed.

Ronald's attractive appearance and athletic physique are widely admired.


Ronald is known for his strong communication skills and sociability. He is intelligent and has a charismatic personality, which makes him popular among those around him. He is unapologetically straightforward, expressing his thoughts and opinions candidly. His quick-thinking and decisive nature make him an effective leader in high-pressure situations.

Despite his sometimes-insensitive demeanor, Ronald is not afraid to engage in constructive debates and discussions with Colonel Zhang, even if he feels that the Colonel is too lenient. The two are able to maintain a strong understanding and working relationship.

He has a reputation for have a tendency to tease his female subordinates and engage in multiple sexual relationships. He struggles with loyalty and often seeks new experiences in his sexual life. In spite of this, he is described as a serious, cold-hearted, and calm individual with sadistic tendencies who takes pleasure in the pain of others.


Artur Alizade

Artur and Ronald share a strong sibling bond, having been adopted and raised together from the age of 6. Despite their young age, they both joined the military at 16 and have rapidly progressed through the ranks, attaining the rank of Captain by the age of 21. Their close relationship and mutual understanding often lead to them working together in both their military and personal lives. 

James Zhang

James is the superior of Ronald, and is characterized as being friendly, patient, and kind to those under his command. Despite their differing personalities, James appreciates Ronald's honesty, and they often engage in arguments.

They share a complex history. Ronald's father was a close friend of James, and he met his demise during a mission, leaving James deeply bereaved. Initially, Ronald's resentment towards James transformed into a possessive and obsessive fixation. When the opportunity arose to subject James to torment within the labor camp, Ronald willingly embraced it.

Strangely, this obsession continued to intensify, with Ronald gradually regarding James as someone he wished to possess, while James came to see Ronald as akin to a son. This intricate emotional dynamic has left an indelible mark on their relationship.

Fahri Özdemir

Fahri is a well-regarded figure who serves as both a father figure and mentor to Ronald. He first encountered Ronald when he joined the military and was immediately impressed by his exceptional abilities. Fahri encouraged Ronald to pursue a career as a government secret police officer.

After the conclusion of the war, Fahri went on to pursue a career in politics while Ronald and Artur returned to the Netherlands. The two maintain a relationship and periodically exchange news with one another.

Thoriq Al-Malik Salamena

Thoriq and Ronald formed a partnership in illicit activities. Their relationship was strengthened when Ronald revealed that he has Moluccan cousins, and Thoriq has relatives in Amsterdam. They illegally sold weapons and supplies to the enemy, yet managed to avoid detection and trial. Despite these actions, their country was still able to emerge victorious in the war. Additionally, they collaborate as coaches and captains for the regimental football teams.

Randall Fischer

The rivalry between them remains palpable, even though they are compelled to work together. Ronald dislikes witnessing how close and affectionate Randall and James are, and his jealousy is akin to that of a child.


Ronald is a fan of motorcycles, specifically dual sport and sport bikes. During his teenage years, he was a member of motorcycle gangs and participated in motorcycle races, which he often won. He also engages in unhealthy habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Ronald is also musically inclined and plays the guitar.

Following the disbandment of Foxtrot Company, Ronald's job became monotonous and mostly involved paperwork and dealing with Colonel Zhang. He is still known and respected as the captain of the regiment's football team. In his free time, Ronald enjoys physical exercise and spending evenings with Artur and other captains.

Ronald has a distaste for incompetent bosses and basketball, firmly believing that football is the superior sport. Additionally, he has an irrational fear of cockroaches.


Abduction is Love: After realizing that James lives in the Netherlands, Ronald rushes to his house, kidnaps him, and forces him to be his life partner.

Band of Brothers: The relationship between Anara, Artur, and him.

Bodyguard Crush: At first, he just pretended to love James, but in the end, he really loves him.

Brutal Honesty: Ronald is honest and speaks candidly. He did not hesitate to criticize James who was initially surprised by Ronald's open nature.

Captain Smooth and Sergeant Rough: With James. Subordinates in the regiment were actually more able to discuss with James than with Ronald.

Cute Little Fangs: His canines are longer than normal humans.

Even the Guys Want Him: He is handsome, tall, strong, and can communicate well, it's no wonder that many people like him.

Exalted Torturer: In the end, he is the main character. The country is safe, thanks to his services.

Icy Blue Eyes: Those eyes also made James fall in love with him.

Manipulative Bastard: Ronald has manipulated James and built an illicit relationship with him. Even after they moved to the Netherlands, Ronald still chased him and manipulated him into living together.

Sadist: He enjoys torturing James.

Super Soldier: Many victories under his name: Thwarting rebellions in the colonies, suppressing rebellions from the military, successfully infiltrating enemy territory, and of course, captivating Colonel Zhang.

Tall, Dark, and Handsome: 195 cm, dark brown-hair, and handsome face.

Tsurime Eyes: Like a typical character full of pride and arrogance.