James Zhang



2 years, 3 months ago



James "Jim/Jimmy" Zhang (张耀 = Zhāng Yào) is a 40-year-old Colonel serving in the military of his country, which is currently at war with a neighboring state. His exceptional abilities as an engineer officer have earned him a rapid rise through the ranks, and he now commands the fourth regiment.

As a Colonel, James is responsible for overseeing a wide range of crucial engineering projects, including the construction of roads, bases, bridges, airfields, and disaster relief and civilian rescue efforts. He also conducts research into alternative engineering technologies to support the troops in the field.

Born on February 28 in Singapore, James is the son of a Han Taiwanese father and a Singaporean-Japanese mother. He has two younger siblings, a sister and a brother. He's also a Christian, a Protestant.

The full story is here.



James, with a height of 165 cm, has a petite physique. Despite his youthful appearance, he holds the rank of Colonel in his country's military. He has black, straight hair that is cut short and features a fringe that covers his forehead. He has dark brown eyes and tanned skin. James is known for his approachable and friendly demeanor, which puts those around him at ease.


James Zhang is known for his hardworking, kind, and humble personality. He is highly regarded by those around him for his friendly and approachable demeanor, as well as his ability to spread joy and positivity. He has pursued a career in the military, commanding the fourth regiment as a Colonel at the young age of 39. And he is highly respected by his subordinates and loved by all who come into contact with him.

However, despite his confident exterior, James is a shy person who tries to avoid conflict and often lies to protect others' feelings. His soft-heartedness can sometimes be perceived as naivety, and he is often criticized by his superiors for taking things too personally. James remains a dedicated and loyal individual, who is quick to fall in love but fiercely protective of those he cares about.

Family is of the utmost importance to James, and he is close with his younger sister and brother, as well as his caring parents. He also has a fondness for children and cherishes the time he spends with his loved ones.


Ronald van den Berg

Ronald is an aide to James, serving as a support in logistics. He joined James during a time of turmoil, offering companionship and comfort in what was otherwise a lonely experience for James as a Colonel. As the two spent more time together, James developed feelings for Ronald and was surprised to find that these feelings were reciprocated. The two established a forbidden relationship, keeping their affection for each other hidden from view. For James, Ronald is a source of solace and comfort, and he feels at ease in Ronald's presence. He has made a promise in his heart to propose to Ronald when the war has come to an end. However, James was unaware that Ronald was actually a spy sent by the government to monitor and potentially eliminate him.

James has a special nickname for Ronald, referring to him as "Baobei" or "Rona-chan" (ロナちゃん), while Ronald affectionately calls James "Schatje".

James has known Ronald for a long time, as he was a very close friend of Ronald's father. He is thrilled to see Ronald again, who has transformed into an enthusiastic young man. James has always been eager to impart various lessons to him.

Artur Alizade

Artur is the physician who provides medical care to James. Despite Artur's tendency to jokingly tease James, the two have a friendly relationship. This is due in part to the fact that James is aware of Artur's relationship with Ronald, who he regards as a close friend.

However, their relationship is severely strained after Artur accepts a government task to subject James to torture. This actions by Artur greatly impacted the dynamics of their friendship.

Fahri Özdemir

Fahri is a rival to James. They represent two distinct and opposing approaches to problem-solving. James favors diplomacy in his approach, while Fahri believes in a more aggressive, elimination-based approach to conflict resolution.

Fahri views James as weak and ineffective, while James regards Fahri as a sadistic individual who uses outdated military tactics. This mutual animosity is widely known among their colleagues on the front lines.

Randall Fischer

Randall is James's colleague. They often delve into missions together, building a strong trust between the two of them. James, who is proficient in German, endears himself even more to Randall. They share a close bond, always striving to protect each other.


James is known for his love of calm and harmony. In his leisure time, he enjoys collecting plants and baking cakes to share with others. His culinary skills are highly regarded, and he has expressed interest in opening a Chinese restaurant after retirement.

In addition to his love of cooking, James has a passion for firearms and collects a diverse array of weapons from different time periods and countries. He feels a sense of security when holding a gun. And His palate is diverse, with a particular fondness for spicy foods, dim sum, and all types of seafood.

Despite his dislike for conflict, James is known for his tendency to give in during arguments. He also has a dislike for extreme heat, but his relationship with Ronald often involves riding a motorbike in the sun.


A Father to His Men: Under his leadership, the soldiers held great respect and affection for James. His caring and friendly demeanor endeared him to those under his command.

Agent Peacock: Despite his appearance conveying a sense of vulnerability with a smaller and shorter stature, James defies preconceptions. Holding the rank of Colonel, he possesses extensive experience in frontline combat, proving that strength and resilience come in various forms.

Big Brother Mentor: James, distinguished by his success, intelligence, and kindness, earned the profound admiration of his younger siblings.

Don't Call Me "Sir": Contrary to the prevailing military formalities, James harbors a dislike for such protocols. On occasion, he opts to address his subordinates by their first names, a departure from the common practice of using last names among his fellow soldiers.

Inappropriately Close Comrades: His relationship with Ronald, Ronald serves as the captain and aide of the fourth regiment under the command of Colonel James. Despite both holding officer ranks, it is notable that James wields considerable influence over Ronald. Strikingly, the power dynamic takes an unconventional turn as Ronald emerges as the dominant figure, while James assumes a more submissive role.

Nice Guy: James has a profound inclination for assisting others, demonstrating a genuine love for helping people.

Only Sane Man: Ronald, committing war crimes. James faces retribution from Artur through torturous means. Anara's manipulative tendencies, Thoriq's betrayal through weapon sales to the enemy, and Fahri's involvement in running a labor camp cast a shadow over the unit. In this tumultuous scenario, Colonel James stands apart as the sole figure refraining from breaking the law.

Overranked Soldier: At the relatively young age of 39, James ascended to the rank of Colonel—a remarkable achievement given the challenging circumstances of their nation embroiled in a state of war with a neighboring country. The exigencies of the conflict may account for his accelerated rise in military rank.

Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: In the context of his association with Ronald, James is characterized as the sensitive individual in their relationship.

Shorter Means Smarter: Standing at a height of only 165 cm, notably shorter than fellow soldiers towering at 185 cm, James defies physical expectations. Despite his stature, he distinguishes himself as the most intelligent and wise character among the group.

Tareme Eyes: He is cute, after all.