Artur Alizade



2 years, 3 months ago



Artur "Artya (Артя)/Artyusha (Артюша)" Alizade (Артур Ализад), also known by his codename "Agent Mars", is a 21-year-old young man who values fun and cherishes his close relationships with his twin sister, Anara, and his adoptive brother, Ronald. He holds the rank of Captain in the fourth regiment, led by Colonel James Zhang.

As a combat medic, Artur's duties include providing emergency medical care in both combat and humanitarian scenarios, serving as a first responder and triaging illnesses and injuries to ensure the survival of others. In addition, he trains soldiers in lifesaving and first responder techniques. Although Artur would prefer to be on the front lines, he recognizes the importance of his role in treating the injured and follows Colonel Zhang's guidance. He and Ronald have been sent by the government to keep an eye on the activities of the fourth division.

Artur was born in Baku on November 29th to a father of Iranian-Azeri descent and a Russian mother. He has an older sister who is just 5 minutes older than him and was raised in a Shia Muslim household, following the same faith as his father.

The full story is here.



Artur is a 193 cm, a tall individual with an athletic build. Although he is not as physically fit as his adoptive brother Ronald, he has a naturally athletic physique. He has short, blond hair with bangs that cover his left forehead and possesses a unique characteristic of heterochromia, with his left eye being green and his right eye being blue. His skin is fair and is prone to sunburns. He completes his appearance with black framed glasses.

According to some soldiers, there are instances where individuals feign illness in order to have the opportunity to meet Artur, such is the impact of his character and reputation.


Artur is known for his confident and energetic personality, as well as his charisma, intelligence, and friendly nature. He has a quick mind and is able to learn new things rapidly, making him an excellent communicator. He is often sought after for advice and is well-liked by those around him due to his storytelling skills and sense of humor. Despite his positive qualities, Artur is also known to be stubborn and arrogant, sometimes crossing the line with his humor and causing offense to those around him. This is in part due to his lack of empathy and insensitivity to the feelings of others. Additionally, Artur has a reputation for having numerous romantic partners, viewing these relationships as a form of collection.

Due to his inability to feel empathy, Artur has been assigned to the task of interrogating and torturing political prisoners by the secret police.


Anara Alizade

Anara Alizade is Artur's twin sister. Despite having different personalities and engaging in arguments, the two have a close bond and care for each other deeply. Over time, Anara becomes increasingly worried about Artur's worsening condition. The siblings have been known to compete for the affections of the same romantic interest.

Ronald van den Berg

Ronald van den Berg is Artur's adoptive brother, with whom he has been close since childhood. The two defend and cover up for each other and support each other's relationships, even in the face of difficult circumstances. Artur approved of Ronald's second act of violence against James Zhang, their superior officer, after the conclusion of the war.

James Zhang

James Zhang is Artur's superior officer and a frequent target of his taunts and mockery. James suffered extensively under the torture from Artur and Ronald, but despite this, Artur still enjoys tormenting him.

Fahri Özdemir

Fahri is someone whom Artur considers to be like a father and mentor. He was instrumental in teaching Artur various skills and is the reason for Artur's loyalty to him. This close relationship also exonerates Artur from charges related to torturing political prisoners.

Thoriq Al-Malik Salamena

Thoriq is one of Artur's comrades in the fourth regiment. Despite their shared religion, the two have been known to argue about religious practices. Artur also steals drugs from the logistics unit with Thoriq's help.


Artur Alizade has a distinctive personality trait of appreciating dark humor. He is known for his tendency to laugh in inappropriate situations, however, his humor often serves to lighten the mood. In his leisure time, Artur can often be found taking afternoon naps. While in the workplace, he has a tendency to criticize his subordinates for petty reasons, as an excuse to engage in acts of torture. He has an interest in martial arts and is fond of watching horror and gore films.

On the other hand, Artur dislikes having to work overtime, engage in hard work, or perform tasks assigned to others, especially when there is no monetary compensation. Anything that hinders his ability to rest and relax is greatly disliked by Artur.


Abusive Offspring: He has done… something bad to his mother.

Always Identical Twins: With Anara. The only difference between them is gender and eye colors.

Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He is cheerful, friendly, and well-liked by many. But behind it all, Artur is a cruel man who likes to torture anyone he feels deserves it.

Chick Magnet: He is popular with soldiers, nurses, and doctors. Artur is also often surrounded by girls who admire him.

Combat Medic: Healer as well as attacker, a very beneficial combination.

Lack of Empathy: This is also an advantage because he can torture political prisoners without feeling guilty and haunted by nightmares.

Platonic Life-Partners: The relationship between Anara, Artur, and Ronald. They are very close to each other.

Sir Swears-a-Lot: But understandable. He lives in a military environment where swearing is a common practice by soldiers.

Soft-Spoken Sadist: His voice is gentle and gives a friendly impression, but make no mistake, he is using that only to chase after more victims.

The Hedonist: He took this job just for fun. Never thought about the repercussions and had no empathy. "Because it was fun." As simple as that.

Torture Technician: The job the government gave him: Torturing prisoners of war to get them to talk about trying to overthrow the government.